Untitled Part 28

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Okay Wattpad, I know you're just mad because I carry this platform🙄.

Y/n's pov

"Okay I'm going first," Victoria says clasping her hands together. "And of course my main goal in life is to make a fool out of everyone I meet, that why I'm starting with Y/n."

"Oh god," I say.

"Victoria, take it easy why don't you," Christopher says. "Yeah?"

"Yeah yeah, Y/n I'll give you a dare and a truth, you get to pick," she says. "No backing out got it? Oh and I'll take it easy on you, and everyone if someone declines a truth or dare it moves onto the next, that good?"

Everyone nods their head, obviously wanting to start the game.

"Okay Victoria, hit me with your best," I smile.

"Okay for my truth, I want you to tell me the meanest thing you've ever said to someone, describe it in great detail and name everything that happened leading up to that event," she says. "Or for my dare, you have to take off your bra without taking off your shirt, chose wisely."

Now, considering how easily triggered I get, I think it's best the bra exits this vicinity.

"So where do I put this thing once it's off?" I ask as I maneuver my body so I can unclip it and pull it off, really this is nothing, free the nip am I right? "That was hardly a dare Victoria."

"Someone's so sure of herself," she says taking the bra from my hand. "Nice bra, by the way, boys no need to get hot and bothered it's not like she's nude."

"Luca, recount the scariest phone call you've ever received or show everyone the tenth photo you have in a private folder in your phone," I say. "And we all have a private folder, once you chose the dare there's no going back."

"I'm not a bitch," he laughs pulling out his phone. "What do you take me for?"

"Just thought maybe you wouldn't want to risk showing all of us your tiny dick," I shrug. "So show the photo of you chose dare."

"I know I'm hot, and I don't keep dick pics on my phone," he coughs. "I wouldn't want my sister to see."

"It was one time and she shouldn't have been snooping," Nick puffed out.

"Wow Luca, you've got some abs under there," Amelia says taking the phone from him. "But I've seen better."

Shut up hoe.

"Me nice," I say taking the phone. "Abs aren't everything anyway, Luca, I thought you were going to have something juicer."

"What can I say? I am a child of God," he laughs. "It's my turn now."

"As if you're a child of God," Christopher scoffs. "I bet you jack off to barbie movies."

"It was one time in seventh grade, you can't blame me!" he yells.

"You jacked off to Barbie?!" I burst out into laughter followed by Victoria. "You got a thing for blonde girls!"

"Moving one," he says clearly embarrassed. "Chrissy, kiss a person of your choice you don't have to have a crush, it's just a kiss, maybe you wanna get back at someone. Or you can go with the truth, about the scariest phone call you've ever had."

"Wait, does anyone object to receiving a kiss from Chris, or anyone at that matter?" Mateo asks. "Cause I know I don't, I mean I wore socks for a reason."

"I don't mind," Ameilia says.

Yeah, we know you don't Amelia.

Most of us just shake our heads, I mean it is just a kiss.

"Oh, and you guys can head inside to have some privacy if you want," Luca adds on. "Use the dare to your advantage, if you wish."

"Back in September I was just sitting in my apartment and I got a phone call-" he started almost looking deflated.

"Hey, what about the kiss part, don't you want to do the dare?" Amelia asks.

"I'm going with the truth, I don't wanna mess anything up, now back to my story," he says. "It was a short call, but it was about Y/n she fell down the stairs and she was unconscious in the hospital."

"Wait that was the scariest phone call you've ever gotten?" I question. "It's not like I died or anything."

"How was I supposed to know if you died or something, your brother was very vague," he says.

"Tea," Victoria says. "But if I got a call like that I'd be scared."

"The phone call was like ten seconds, no shit I'd be scared, all the way to the hospital," he says.

Okay, now I kinda feel bad for being stupid and falling down the stairs. I really pulled a Sakuragi from Another.

"Anyway, Nick my truth for you is-" Christopher starts.

"Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy, you really are stupid handing off that dare to me of all people, maybe Mateo would've had some respect," Nick laughs. "I don't need to hear the truth, I don't need it."

"Wait, Nick," Mateo says. "Think about what you're thinking about, have some morals."

"Who needs morals? Not me that's for sure," he laughs.

"Nick," Christopher says. "I'll give you an easy truth."

"No need Chrissy boy, I'll be taking chickadee now," he smiles. "Pucker up Y/n."

"What?" I ask snapping out of my thoughts.

Well isn't this just fun.


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