Pov Tsukishima has doubts about the wedding

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Y/n's pov

"Kei, what does it feel like to have a dick?" I ask bringing my knees up to my chest. "What is life with a dick?"

Yeah, we were having a nice romantic moment looking out at the water, we've got a blanket and the others have somehow started a fire and are now eating food. But of course, this can't be a real Kei and Y/n moment if I don't say anything.

"Well, it can get hard," he says.

Yay, he's in a silly mood tonight.

"Of course it can," I laugh. "But for real, what's it like?"

"I don't know," he shrugs. "It's just there I guess... I don't know."

"Fine," I sigh. "I guess I can live with that response."

I wonder if he's sat on it before.

"Yes, I've sat on it before," he says. "That's the importance of wearing the correct size of underwear."

"Damm, I bet that shit fucking hurt," I cringe. "Bet you can't have kids now, boo."

"Just yesterday you were complaining that you don't ever want any more kids, so that's irrelevant," he says.

"What is something you dislike about me?" I ask. "This is a pre-marriage tell-all."

"You suck at matching up the socks," he says. "Like, you're terrible at it."

"What?" I question. "How do I suck at that?"

"Y/n, you bunch up ankle socks, knee-high socks and whatever as long as they're the same colours," he says. "It's annoying but manageable."

"Now I'm depressed," I say dramatically as I move away from him. "I can't believe you would say that to me, especially on the night before our wedding. I feel betrayed, really."

"What's something you don't like about me?" he asks.

"Everything," I say. "You're hair, face, yeah, the whole thing could use some work."

He needs to be humbled.

"I'll stop reorganizing your closet, it's a habit," he says.

Never mind, he's perfect.

"Nah, it's fine, because I can't organize for shit," I say. "And I know you won't stop, just like I won't stop fucking up the socks. Though, I'm the sock fucker in this relationship."

"You are disgusting," he says.

"Yamaguchi, I have to use the bathroom," I say in his voice, well the best voice I can fake.

"I did not use a sock," he says.

"Okay, too much info now," I say. "We're not that close."

"You're the one who brought up socks," he says.

"No that was you when you told me how I suck," I say. "You started it."

"Fine, I started it," he says. "Happy?"

"When I'm with you?" I ask. "Never."

"At least the feeling is mutual," he says.

"Anyways," I say getting up. "Me and my squad better head out now, we've got so much more shit to talk about you back at home. See you tomorrow."

"Don't go just yet," he says grabbing my hand. "Those idiots over there are mid-conversation."

"Then I shall join their conversation," I say. "Unless there is another super sweet reason why you don't want me to leave you yet, is there?"

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