I am going to be doing frequent time skips only writing out important things...

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...almost like a diary format, like you're reading Y/n's journal or something. Brushing over dates to make it easier because I want them to be back together in like max fifteen chaps hopefully.

Y/n's pov

November? We don't know her, she was overall boring, so we don't need to associate with her. Now, December is where it's at, and it's time to let my busy schedule break free because I am fully booked and boy was it an entertaining time. Now, to the craziness.

December 18th, operation I am a big boss lady is a go.

"Christopher, I cannot find my shoes," I say rummaging through my closet. "This is terrible."

"Which shoes are you looking for?" he asks.

"The red bottoms my mom sent me," I say. "I lost them, and I am going to die."

"Why do you need those ones?" he asks. "You're wearing the black dress, wear the silver rhinestone ones since you're wearing silver jewelry."

"I need to wear the ones my mom sent me because she..." I pause.

"Bird, we're going to the office party, you need the ones your mom sent you when we go to Tokyo for the big Christmas party," he says. "That's when you'll see your mom."

"Oh yeah, shit I forgot," I say grabbing some different heels, I think the need to wear heels comes when you enter a position of power. Do not question me. "Whats that party for?"

"You planned it," he laughs. "It's for company partners and stuff like that."

"Oh like the teams we give money to, kinda like faces of the brands?" I ask forcing the shoes on.

"Yeah," he says. "Are you ready now?"

"All ready," I say swinging open my door. "How do I look?"

"Great, as always," he says. "Purse?"

"In the car," I say. "I'm already ahead."

"And I'm assuming that is why you are wearing a polka dot pyjama top under your dress?" he asks laughing a bit. "Is that a new look you're going for?"

"Well..., I say closing my door again. "You just reminded me that I shouldn't make all of my peers feel so below my fashion sense."

Then I quickly stripped off my pyjama top then put my dress back on properly, I promise that I am a responsible adult who can be independent.

"Okay, I'm ready now," I say leaving my room again. "For real this time, now off to the office before we're late."

"Well them off we go," he says.


Office parties are pretty wild if you ask me.

"I thought that we weren't going to have hard liquor at the office," I say. "I feel like that goes against a guideline or something, to have all these people plastered."

"Yeah, I told the planner to just get champagne," Christopher says.

So give a picture, we have some of the office workers in this giant ass room we have, there was present and stuff like that, all fun and games. But now it's just Christopher and I sitting at a table as family members show up to pick up their loved ones. We can't really leave because having one of these people die on my property would be terrible.

"Uh, everyones not dead," Oh yes, thats an intern, she's only nineteen so she can't drink legally yet.

"Thank you so much," I say. "Feel free to head along home now, have a good holiday.

"Yes, thank you so much," she says. "And again, thank you so much for this aprotiniauty, and everything you've done."

Funny story actually, I got in an argument with some guy I work with because I said that any intern who is still in school will have their tuition payed for by the company. Yeah, he was ragging, I think he works in the finances, but we rarely hire interns, and they aren't paid.

"Yeah, it's no problem," I smile. "I'll see you after the holidays."

And with that, she's off.

"I rember when I was her age," I nod my head.

"Bird, you juset turned twenty two months ago," Christopher laughs.

"Eh, it's fine," I say. "Just let me pretend that i'm like thirty and i've lived out all the mile stones in my life."

"Yeah, okay," he laughs again. "But if you're thirty then that would make me thirty two."

"You don't look a day over twenty," I say. "Pretty good for an old man."

Ima try to speed run it because I need Tsukishima to come back to Y/n, anyway... Christmas, then many skips and such.


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