Holy fuck, this story is too long

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Y/n's pov

Feeling blessed right now, I've got the air mattress secured and all setup, and I've decided that my neighbour is my friend so when people aking how the tenants here are I can tell them that they're great.

"Kasumi, go to sleep now," I say once I notice that she's still awake. "It's really late now."

"I would go to sleep, but there's one issue," she says.

"What is it?" I ask. "Are you cold?"

"The only cold thing here is my drip," she says holding up her wrist to show that god-forsaken charm bracelet. "And guess again botox lips."

"Okay, I'm going to give you a way to the neighbour," I say. "And he's going to make you sew clothes so he can sell them."

"No I'm kidding," she says forcing herself under my arm, laying her head on me. "I know your lips are real, I just want you to tell me more about the glass doll."

"Oh yeah," I nod my head. "Okay, what part did we get to?"

"The part where the moon gave the doll a sliver of his moonlight to promise to be with her," she says. "And the doll is happy, and the moon is happy."

"Oh yeah, and the firefly or whatever," I say. "The moon crust and stuff."

"Yeah, Tsukishima is the moon and Kei is the firefly but they're the same and he's a moon boy," she says. "Now back to the story."

"Okay, the glass doll was so so happy that she could spend all her time Kei since they were even closer now. He took her magical forests, to dance on the rivers and play with the butterflies. She was starting to forget every mean thing anyone had said to her, and it was great. She even won that gardening contest and this time the mean lady, Hoshiko was there," I smile. "And it was wonderful, her Wakatoshi was happy, Hoshiko was happy, and most importantly Kei and Y/n were happy."

"So now do they get married and move away to their own little house and have baby stars and stuff?" she asks. "And have a big family to live happily ever after."

"Wakatoshi, the big strong teddy bear told her that she had to leave the place she loved and the people she loved," I sigh. "He decided for her and didn't care what she thought about it."

"I hate Wakatoshi," she says.

"Yeah, the doll hated him too at that moment," I say. "The glass doll isn't good at dealing with big things like that, so she ran outside to cry by herself on a bench because she's a complete loser. And that's when she met Ayumi."

"People say that she's in hell," Kasumi says. "She's evil."

"Not to justify murder, but I don't think that she's evil, just struggling. Don't listen to what anybody says about your mom because she was a nice person, and she deserved so much better than that bitch Haru who has nothing better to do but traumatize teenage girls and make them rethink their whole damm life," I say.

"They said that Haru, wasn't all that bad," she says. "It was just his bad day."

"Well screw those people because when they both saw a hurting glass doll one decided to take care of her and treat her kidly while the other decided to pick her up and smash her on the ground until she didn't care anymore," I say. "Don't kill people, but your mom loved you, and she still loves you. I bet she's looking down at you right now thinking about how much she loves you."

"Where is she then?" she asks.

"Out there," I say pointing out the window. "Every star out there is an I love you from your mom, because she loves you more than anything, in her own kinda twisted way she did everything for you. But don't kill people, even if they are... don't think I should say that word to a child."

"If all of her I love you's are the stars, then where are yours for me?" she asks.

"Mine are everywhere in between the stars," I say. "You can't see them, but they are there and even in the daytime they'll be there. Even when I'm not here, they will be there."

"What did the glass doll do next?" she asks.

"The glass doll ran away from everybody and met another mean fox name Haru who was evil and she ignored all of her friends and family for a long time and was too much of a coward to tell the big scary justice people that she was basically kidnapped," I say. "She pretended like nothing bad happened, had a few panic attacks and met this big ox named Christopher who is now one of her good friends. She was so sad all the time and didn't talk about her feelings to anyone."

"Did she at least tell Kei?" she asks. "Does she still love him?"

"Yes of course I still love him and KI wouldn't be here right now venting to a child if I, I mean the glass doll just spoke to him in the first place," I say. "And this where we cut this story off for now."

"So am I just supposed to pretend like you aren't the glass doll and that Kei wasn't your high school fling?" she asks. "Because I've been pretending for a while now."

"Kei was not a fling I'll have you know," I say. "He was quite possibly the best thing to ever happen to me and if I never met him I'd probably be swimming with the fish now."

"Well where is he now if you love him so much?" she asks. "Just marry him, he'll probably want to marry you too."

"The glass doll doesn't deserve the moon," I say. "So the moon can go with a girl who doesn't have crazy mood swings."

"Who decided that the glass doll doesn't deserve the moon?" she asks. "Did the moon tell her that? Did he tell her that she wasn't deserving of him?"

"We've already established that the doll is stupid, and she's gonna die alone," I say. "Now of to sleep we go."

"She's not alone because she found her own little star, aka me, Kasumi the best girl around," she says.

"Yes, that's true," I laugh. "Now sleep, we're going to Ikea tomorrow."

"Meatballs," she humms.

Christopher knows the new neighbour, but he's never gonna tell Y/n, it's like a fun little game.


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