I was gonna clickbait this chapter title, but I didn't, you're welcome

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Y/n's pov

"Okay we are gonna have the best Halloween this year," I say. "Better than a hippo dancing on a ball."

"Wearing a glow-in-the-dark jumpsuit," Kasumi adds on. "Yeah?"

It's like two weeks away from Halloween, so that means it's also almost my birthday.

"The both of you are so weird," Kei mutters.

"Don't complain, you chose this life," Kasumi says. "You really heard us every night yelling about nonsense and thought you yourself that this is the lady you want."

"Doesn't change the fact that you both are weird," he says.

"Anyways, I've been planning this costume idea since I first started dating Kei," I say. "And now my dream is coming true."

"And what is this plan you've got?" Kei asks. "For Halloween?"

"Howls moving castle, isn't it great?" I ask. "Come on Kei, isn't this great?"

"Yeah whatever, and you're gonna be the witch of the waste," he laughs.

"That was foul," Kasumi says. "But I can see where you're coming from."

"Wow," I say. "I hate y'all."

"We're kidding, you're obviously Sophie," he says.

Thank you.

"Grandma Sophie of course," he adds.

"You guys suck more than a caterpillar tryna get some spare change," I say. "I'm gonna ditch you two and go walk the streets with Bunny in underwear."

"Okay okay, you are obviously going to be regular Sophie," Kei laughs. "Both of you are pretty."

"Kasumi can be Calcifer, you can turnip head and shit-ling can be Hin," I say. "You guys lost all your privileges."

"What no, you said that I could be Markl," Kasumi says. "And mister gets to be Howl, I don't want to be Calcifer, I want to be Markl."

"Nope, too late," I say. "You both suck, I'm replacing you both."

"With who?" Kei asks.

"Atsumu and... and I'll replace Kasumi with a dog," I say. "So yeah."

"You can't replace us," Kasumi says. "We're the best, and you love us. What we give you no one else can."

"Yeah Y/n, what I give you no one else can, you know that," Kei laughs.

Well first of all... whore.

"Oh my god, since I'm going to be Markl, Dai can be Markl when he was in his disguise," Kasumi says excitedly. "Please can Dai come to the Halloween party in Tokyo, please please, please? He's my best friend, please I can't leave him here he's going to miss me so much when I leave. We can bring his dad too."

Come to think of it, I've never met Dai or his mom. Kei is always the one taking her over there.

"Yeah, okay," I say. "I'll ask his dad, seems fine."

"Yay yay yay!" she yells grabbing my hands. "Trip to Tokyo with Dai."

"Dai's from figure skating, yes?" I ask.

"Uh-huh," she nods her head. "And he lives down the hall, can we go over so I can hang out with Dai?"

"Yeah, as long as his dad doesn't mind watching you," I say. "I'll go over with you and ask his dad about Tokyo."

"Didn't know his dad was back," Kei says. "Thought his nanny was watching him still."

"Nope, yesterday when we were skating he said his dad came home early," Kasumi says.

"Okay," he nods his head standing up. "I'll go ask if Dai can come over and hang out with you here."

"I'll just come too," I say. "And ask about Tokyo."

"You can stay here, I've got it," Kei says.

"I should meet Dai's dad," I say. "I mean if his son is going to come over here."

"I've got it, Y/n," he says. "Plus didn't you want to make lunch today?"

Oh yeah, I did say that I need to establish myself as a boss.

"And today is perfect because you can make easy food since we're kids," Kasumi says. "Can you make ravioli and sausages on the side?"

"Of course," I say.

"I'll be right back," Kei says. "And don't forget to slice the sausage into an octopus."

Last-minute decision to add some issues in. Guess.


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