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Y/n's pov

"Wow, you two really got into it!" Victoria yells as we walk back outside. "Have fun?"

"We sure did, isn't that right Y/n?" Nick asks taking his seat as I take mine.

"Yeah it was fun," I say straightening out my hair.

"Oh, I bet it was," Mateo laughs.

"And no bra either, I sure hope there were no wandering hands," Victoria laughs. "Care to share?"

"No kiss and tell," Nicks laughs. "Now it's my turn isn't that right Chrissy?"

"Yeah, your turn," he nods his head.

"Look she has a hickey!" Amelia practically yells. "Look!"

Shut up, hoe.

"It's Nick's turn," I say.

I will sock you in the face, I will.

"Alright dice Chrissy didn't get to make up a truth I'll do it," Nick says. "Mateo, who do you have a crush on? And for the dare, you can go and show your dick to your crush."


"Aye, we aren't supposed to show dicks," Luca says. "It's an unspoken rule."

"Fine, go unclip your crush's bra," Nicks sighs. "Then get her to give it to you so you can wear it."

"Oh well we all know who's bra he's getting," Christopher says. "I mean, the both of them are just so oblivious."

"I am not oblivious," Victoria says. "I was waiting for him to make the first move, I don't wanna bruise his man ego."

"I was waiting for you to say that you wanted to be with me," Mateo says. "Because it's all about independent women."

"Yeah about jobs not about watching a guy get all sappy, girls love that shit," she says.

Am I paying witness to a new relationship right now?

"Fine, Victoria will you be my girlfriend?" Mateo asks. "I like you, you like me and once Christopher gets cuffed we can go on double dates. Oh, and can I have the honour of wearing your bra?"

"Here take Y/n's," she says tossing my bra over to him. "I'm not wearing one."

"You're on a stretch it out," I say.

"Please Y/n, let me wear this sacred garment," Mateo says folding his hands together. "Pretty please?"

"Bird I'll just buy you a new one, there no talking him out of this one," Christopher says. "And you probably don't want it back after he's worn it."

"Wow Chrissy, you're gonna buy her a new bra are you now?" Luca asks, slinging his arm over his shoulders, muttering something inaudible to myself.

"I'll let her use my card since it's this idiot who's taking it," Christopher says shrugging him off. "Go touch grass or something."

"Okay guys, since I kinda did the dare and truth I get to make up the next set," Mateo says once he's securely put my bra on himself.

A pretty weird thing to see if you ask me.

"Looking sexy," Victoria laughs.

"I know right," he smiles. "Now, Victoria, do you like it rough or not, don't answer that then you have to kiss Christopher, oh and post it on your Instagram."

"I'm obviously not going to kiss your best friends, creep," she scoffs.

"Hey. I'm just trying to get some good info with my newfound relationship," he says. "And I know that you wouldn't kiss Chris, so tell me Victoria, do you like it rough?"

"Yes, yes I do," she says. "Moving on now, Y/n keep the dare I'll add a truth."

"What about me?" Amelia asks. "I haven't gone yet, I can keep the dare and you can give another truth."

"Y/n can ask you something after," she says. "I want to give this dare to Y/n."

"And what makes you so sure she wants to take the dare?" she asks. "Maybe I want the dare."

"Just wait your turn," she says. "It won't be that long."

I will throw hands, well maybe.

"Yeah, let's let Amelia go," Nick says. "She can get her kiss from Chrissy, something nice for her Instagram."

"Yeah," she says.

"There better not be a catfight," Luca says. "But if there is then let me record."

"I mean it's not a big deal," I shrug. "It can just be a kiss on the cheek, so Amelia can have that if she wants."

"I change my dare, makeout with him," Mateo smiles. "You may resume your conversation."

"Make out with him?" I question. "You can't change your dare."

"Yes he can and it's my turn," Amelia says. "Victoria give me your truth so we can get one with it."

"So who's going to pucker up for Chrissy?" Mateo asks. "Y/n are you going to give up your turn and leave the kiss for Amelia, or are you going to take the prize? And Amelia, what are you going to do?"

"Well, I'm obviously the one who's going to-"

Oh, I guess we'll have to wait and speculate about who's gonna make out with Christopher, or who's Christopher's going to make out with.


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