Pov, a death

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Y/n's pov

"So, whats brings us all here?" I ask folding my hand in front of me on the table.

"Y/n, you are the one who asked us to meet you here," Wakatoshi says confused.

"Yeah, you called," Hyun says. "You forgot or something? Guess your memory is worse than mine."

"Oh yeah..." I nod my head.

"No, what's this about?" Wakatoshi asks. "Did you lose your wallet again?"

"No, I did not lose my wallet," I say.

Where is my wallet?

"Oh, that is good," he nods his head.

"Then who's wallet did I find this morning here in the cafe?" Hyun asks holding it up.

"Okay yes I did lose my wallet," I say taking from his hands. "But this is not the reason I wanted to talk to the both of you today."

"I didn't mean to let Kasumi eat three boxes of chocolate," Wakatoshi says.


"Yeah, I don't think that's what she wanted to talk about," Hyun says. "You moused yourself out."

"What?" Wakatoshi asks.

"Ratted, you ratted yourself out," I say. "And don't let her eat that many chocolates, it makes her sick."

"I never gave her chocolates," Wakatoshi says. "My words were a prank."

"Yeah, of course, they were," I nod my head. "Definitely a prank."

"So, what did you want to talk to us about?" Hyun asks.

"It's about the wedding," I say. "And it's really important."

"Did you and Tsukishima break up again?" Wakatoshi asks. "Did you?"

"What no-," I start.

"Oh my god, she's not wearing the ring!" Hyun yells. "Where is the ring!?"

"The ring is-."

So I guess I can't get a sentence in here can I?

"This is terrible," Wakatoshi shakes his head.

"Marigold Y/n is gonna fall into a pit of depression because she's not getting married anymore!" Hyun yells causing Marigold to come out from the back room.

"What?" she questions. "What happened? They aren't getting married!?"

"Kei just took the ring-," I start.

"He took to ring from you!?" Hyun is practically screaming at this point. "What kind of asshole does that to a girl!?"

"You should take his ring back then," Wakatoshi says.

"We should get him jumped," Marigold says. "I'll call some old friends."

Oh great, no Kei is calling me.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

Meanwhile, the others are spazzing out.

"Why did your brother just text me a picture of a casket?" Kei asks. "What happened?"

"He's got a new hobby," I say. "Don't worry, it's nothing. It has nothing to do with you."

"Then why did Hyun send me a picture of a tombstone with my name on it?" he asks.

Damm, they work quick.

"Must be a different Kei," I say.

"Y/n, what happened there?" he says. "And why does everybody want me dead?"

"One sec," I say before taking the phone away from my ear. "Everyone!"

Of course, they don't listen.

"There's a fire!"

Still nothing.

"There's a burglar!"

These people man.

"I'm pregnant!"

"Really?" Marigold questions.

"Who's is it?" Hyun asks.

"The thought of you and Tsukishima being intimate is absolutely disgusting," Wakatoshi says.

"Kidding," I laugh. "Kei and I are still engaged, he just took the rings to get something engraved and I just wanted to ask Hyun and Wakatoshi to walk me down the aisle because I can't pick one of you guys."

"One-second Y/n," Wakatoshi says. "I need to not go and unsend some threats."

"And I am totally not going to cry tears of joy in the back room," Hyun says excusing himself.

"No, I changed my mind," Marigold says into the phone. "Touch the blond and you're dead."

What the hell.

"Okay Kei, I'm back," I say into my phone.

"You're going to be the death of me," he says. "Actually, you're going to get me killed."

"It's okay though," I say. "You know you love me."

"Obviously it's more than love," he scoffs. "Anyway, I'll see you later. And I found your wallet, bye love you."

"Bye, I love you," I say before hanging up.

Then who's wallet is this?

"Hey, you've got my wallet," Kyoutani says taking it from my hand. "I've been looking for it all day."

"That's your wallet?" I ask.

"Yeah, you have a problem with that?" he asks. "Do ya?"

"No, not at all," I say. "I just didn't realize you were into barbie that much."

"Yeah, well no one's gonna believe you if you say anything," he says. "So suffer."

How kind.

I have done my Spanish, trig, and french homework. Now I have religion, I'm gonna shoot myself.


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