Story Kasumi

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I have to name it this so I don't lose track for next time lmao
Y/n's pov

"Once upon a time, there was a glass doll. She was fragile, so she was kept in a box. The box was tiny, and she spent all her time in there. Sometimes she'd be taken out of the box either to be yelled at or have some fun. She never really got to feel her own kind of fun as it was always controlled," I say.

"Where did she come from?" Kasumi asks. "Like the doll?"

"The doll was made by two con artists, then they tricked a very powerful woman into keeping it," I say. "Her name was Hoshiko, and she didn't want the poor little doll, she was far too fragile for her. So she kept her in the small box, in hopes she'd stay out of trouble, and not fall and break."

"So is Hoshiko evil?" she asks. "Like the bad guy in the story?"

"No, she's not a bad guy, now back to the story," I say. "The doll's only friends were a group of boys."

"Can the boys be teddy bears?" she asks.

"Okay fine, her friends were teddy bears, but they were more like her brothers. Now, we're only going to focus on one of the bears, her older brother, Hoshiko's son, Wakatoshi," I say. "He was her best friend, and sometimes he'd take her out of her box. But he'd always tie a ribbon to her hand, as to keep her close."

"Does she ever take the ribbon off?" she asks. "So she could go where she wanted?"

"She took off the ribbon sometimes, but we'll get to that soon," I say. "She was so used to staying in her small box, she was so happy to be out even with the ribbon. The doll couldn't understand that the ribbon was a bad thing. She also saw how much Hoshiko loved Wakatoshi, and so she wanted to be just like him. She tried to impress her."

"What did she do?" she asks. "Did she impress her?"

"I'm getting to," I laugh. "She worked very hard, trying to be just like her older brother. Her brother was a gardener so she worked her hardest. And one day she grew the biggest, most beautiful flower ever. It was so hard, and she was so tired, and she won the grand prize. But Hoshiko wasn't even there, almost as if she didn't care. The little doll was so sad, but she pretended she was fine. But she wasn't, so she untied her ribbon for the first time."

"Oh my god," Kasumi gasps. "Is she going to go and fight the powerful women now? Show her whos boss?"

"Not yet," I say. "She's still too fragile. So she went out, into the world, the scary world without anyone around her. And she ran into a fox, a fox who promised her sweets, a rainbow and cute puppies. She let him lead her away into a dark cave, there was no ribbon for the bear to find her. But instead of the gift she was promised, the fox cracked her, and left her all alone for the teddy bears to find her."

"Oh no!" she nearly yells.

"She had to go to the repair shop, so they could try to fix it, but the crack was still visible. Eventually, the fox got locked away forever, but her crack stayed. She was sad, and this time the bear tied two ribbons to her. Hoshiko let her have a slightly bigger box but decided not to speak to her anymore. The doll gave up on gardening, scared that it may lead to another encounter with a new fox," I say. "She moved to a cottage with Wakatoshi and she would go to a forest every day, where she met the moon."

"The moon?" she asks. "Can he be like a moon person?"

"Yes, he can be a moon person," I say. "And he was called Tsukishima. Before her sky was black, no stars, no light at all. But now she had a speck of light, he was the moon in her sky. She didn't want to do anything to make the mood leave her, so she tied a ribbon to herself and let him hold onto it."

"So did he use it to control her like the Teddy bear?" she asks.

"No, he didn't want to," I say. "He untied the ribbon from her and kept it safe in his pocket, that way they could be connected but held back. And as the days passed she found herself feeling happy whenever she was with him. The teddy bear would let Tsukishima hang onto her, untieing the ribbons he had on her whenever she went to the forest with him. And eerie day the doll would tie a new ribbon onto the mood, and everyday he would untie it. The doll didn't know that he was keeping the ribbons safely in his pocket, she thought he didn't care about the ribbons. But eventually, she'd come to understand that those ribbons she gave to him were so important to him."

"They would go on so many adventures together, and she got to join in his group, his world. Full of planets, he didn't love all of the other planets, and never really got along with them, but it was still his place. The moon was cold, but the doll didn't mind, he made her happy," I say. "He didn't care about her cracks, and sometimes when a crack would reopen he'd be there while she would cry and feel sick. He let her live in his would, their world, and she even met his mom, an even brighter moon than he was. She loved and took care of everyone, she loved the doll, and the mood, she loved the doll and the moon together."

"She was starting to feel happy, she even yelled at Hoshiko, and she started to try to be better, She was starting to understand that the doll was just trying her best, but she did still have her ribbons, and her box, although it was a slightly bigger box," I say. "The moon was starting to love the doll so much, he even let her know who he really was. Kei, like the kanji for firefly. Past the moon's shell, there was a firefly. Kei felt comfortable enough with the doll to show her, so now he wasn't just the moon, he was her firefly and he took even better care of her."

"Can you..." she yawns. "Tell me the rest next time?"

"Of course, I will," I say. "I mean this is a very long, story. We still need to meet the bunny, the Margold flower, and a whole bunch of other people."

"Sound like a good story," she yawns again. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Kasumi," I say. "Sweet dreams."

Spur of the moment desision.


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