I'm gonna fail my midterms

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Y/n's pov

"You because you're always showing your head up people's asses. So if you're not going to say anything useful then I need to go," I say. "Move."

"I want to talk to you," he says.

"And what would I be gaining from this conversation besides another reason to leave?" I question.

"I want to know why you haven't answered any of my messages," he says.

"Anything sent to my email gets cleared out and I rarely check direct messages, it's a waste of my time," I say. "Now you've got an answer so move."

"I'm not moving until we have a conversation," he says.

"I'm sorry but what part of what I said sounded like a question to you?" I ask. "Because I thought I was speaking pretty clearly."

"I just want to talk to you Y/n," he says. "Please."

"And here I was thinking you were the smart one because it sure does seem like you're talking to me," I say. "Now step to the side."

"You're being immature right now," he says.

You're one to talk.

"I suppose you aren't," I nod my head. "Kageyama, come here."

"I don't want to get involved in your guy's fight," he says.

"Come here and... You'll get free food here for the next six months, Marigold I'll cover it," I say.

"Does that include beverages too?" He asks.

"Yes of course," I say. "Just come here."

"Taking that you are the only single person I tolerate here," I grab him by the collar. "I'm going to kiss you."

"Wait what?" He asks before I pull him down.

And just what he did to me all that time ago, I kissed him, holding eye contact, why? Because if he can be a bitch, then so can I.

"Alright that enough," I say letting go. "Wakatoshi don't get pissed at him about that."

"What the fuck was that for?" Kei questions.

"Doesn't feel too nice does it?" I ask waiting for a response that he doesn't give. "Well if that feels the same way it felt for me then I expect you to go home and cry about how stupid you are and that maybe it's better if you could just stop being a burden. I got it, you probably think I'm overdoing it don't you."

"You can't just go around kissing people like that," he says.

"And where was that energy when you were ducking girls left right and centre?" I ask.

"You broke up with me," he says.

"Oh drop it already, I don't want to argue with you of all people in front of others," I roll my eyes. "Spare me the embarrassment and go fetch another bone with some stand-in."

"You just kissed Kageyama," he reminds me as if I had forgotten already. "And as if you haven't been sleeping around, sucking faces on your social media. I can't tell if it's you or Christopher who's easy-."

I was fine, I was fine until I wasn't. So I slapped him, I actually fucking slapped that smug look straight off his face.

"Dogs don't speak Tsukishima, now go fetch," I say motioning to his glasses which had felled to the floor. "Keep his name out of your mouth, any damage to your glasses can be put on my card, and buy yourself a leash while you're at it."

"What the hell it's wrong with you?" He questioned grabbing his glasses from the ground. "You can't just go around slapping people, are you fucking crazy?"

"Dogs don't speak, and I'll slap who I want when I want, and wherever I want to when it warrants it," I say. "Now I'll be leaving."

But as I go to push past him he grabs my wrist.

"Don't touch me," I say.

"I still need to talk to you," he says.

"Let me go," I say trying to tug my arm away from him. "I need to leave."

"And I need to talk to you," he says.

"I said let me fucking go," I say raising my other fist but it stops my other hand. Meanwhile, the other hand of the pair wraps around Kei's wrist, yanking it away from me.

"Now now Bird, bruised knuckles don't suit you. And if you grab her like that again, knuckles won't be the only thing bruised."

"Go white boy go white big go," Bunny cheers.

He's not white but get it I guess.

I just know he looks so hot rn.


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