Timeskip because ur mom

887 49 37

Y/n's pov

"I forgot my coat!" Kasumi exclaimed as we got into the elevator. "I'm gonna freeze."

"I have your coat," Kei says.

"You stealer," Kasumi says taking the coat from his hand. "We're not taking you on vacation."

It's August now, and somehow someway she's managed to get just what she wanted, some huge expensive renovation. Look, it's not that I can't say no, it's just that Kasumi had practically turned everyone against me, telling me that it's a good idea, even Christopher has on her side. So here we are, leaving for the airport for a summer vacation in Korea. The things I do for this kid.

"You can't leave me here," Kei says, "I booked the hotel, and I was on your side the whole time."

"Oh yeah," she says letting go of my hand to grab his. "I like you."

"I feel betrayed," I shake my head. "You and Christopher are all crazy, everyone is crazy, and for once I'm sane."

"It's because I'm the new favourite," Kasumi whispers. "Sorry, not sorry."

"What? You are not the favourite," I say getting out of the elevator with my suitcase. "I am the favourite, I've been here way longer than you."

"Cope," she shrugs.

"Not cope, I'm the favourite," I say.

"Y/n, you're really arguing with a four-year-old," Kei laughs. "You're jealous of her."

"And what about it?" I ask.

"She is the favourite kid, and you can be the favourite everything else," he says. "Okay?"

"Well, you're not my favourite," I say making my way out to the car. "Cope."

"Yeah mister," Kasumi says. "You suck, and I win."

"You're lucky that you're four," Kei says. "Because nobody else would be able to get away with that."

"Yeah, you suck," Christopher laughs.

Blessed, he came to pick us up and we're bringing him so he can reunite with the original William.

"Whatever, you're short," Kei says.

"Not even," he rolls his eyes. "You're just freakishly tall."

"Ladies you're both pretty," Kasumi says. "But if I'm being honest, mister makes mom look short and big guy makes mom looks tiny in general, but not as short. I was gonna say that he makes her look skinny, but then she'd cry that she thinks she's fat."

"You think I'm fat?" I ask.

"You look perfect," Kei and Christopher say.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend, don't look at her," Kei says.

"She's my friend, I can be nice," Christopher says. "Better than being mean."

"You look like you snort protein powder," Kei scoffs.

"If you guys keep arguing, I'll kiss Atsumu," I say.

"What?" Kei questions. "You better not, I don't like him."

"Atsumu is actually nice," I say.

We're friends now, though he can pretty annoying sometimes.

"Oh blow job lips," Kasumi says hitting her fist to her hand.

"What did you just say?" I question.

"That's what he calls you," Kasumi says. "Blow job lips."

"Do not ever say that again," I said covering her mouth. "Or no more knife shoes."

"Wait what? Why does he call you that?" Kei questions. "What the hell!?"

"Oh my god, it was after the Christmas party," I say embarrassed.

"You gave him a-," he pauses.

"That was you," Christopher laughs. "Douche bag."

"Everyone in the car," I say. "Kei can ride in the front with Christopher."

"I'm driving," he says.

"No, I am," Christolpher says. "My job."

"I'm her boyfriend," Kei says.

"I'm her William," Christopher shrugs. "Your position is overruled."

"Alright, I'll drive and you two can squeeze in the back with Kasumi," I smile.

"And have fun, my car seat is not that easy to sit beside," Kasumi laughs. "And we're stopping at a drive-through, and we all know how mom drives when she's getting food."

"Have fun guys," I smile walking past them.

I love Christopher's and Tsukishima's relationship, they're literally frenemies.


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