Crouton is like a nickname, all my friends call me that

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Um this is an edit because I exposed myself lol, had to delete the evidence.

Y/n's pov

It's the morning of my twenty-first birthday, and the apartment is quiet too quiet...

"Kei!" I yell. "Where are you!?"

*knock knock*

The front door? I've got visitors because I am so so popular.

"I'm coming!" I call out springing out of bed and running down the stairs. "Dai?"

"Kasumi left me a good morning drawing under the door," he says holding it up. "I need to tell her good morning too, do you have her phone number?"

"One second," I say pulling out my phone, where are those hoes.

Of course, I got a text message from my dear Kei who likes to leave at the crack of dawn.

Read the note I left you on the pillow.

Of course, he needed to tell me that because I am kinda stupid.

"I'll be right back," I say before running back upstairs to grab the note.

I took Kasumi to my mom's, you were still snoring and drooling all over your pillow. Meet me at our bench at noon, if you're late I'm leaving. Happy Birthday, try to hide all your gray hair. Love you.


What is this, high school? And I do not have gray hair, whore.

"Okay, I'm back," I say. "Here is the number you can call, a nice lady named Akina will answer and you can ask for Kasumi."

"Thank you," he says. "And happy birthday."

"Thank you, Dai," I smile. "Now you go and have a good day too."

"I will," he says before running back down the hall.

Ah, I can't wait for Kasumi and him to be in middle school dating. Now, to the kitchen to feast, and another note in the fridge. Oh, is this love?

I made you that stupid fruit sandwich you like, though I'd hardly consider that a breakfast. It's all sugar, eat the fruit, not just the whipped cream. Kasumi wanted octopus sausages and egg sandwiches, there are some leftovers if you want. And fix your bed head.


Um, just marry me already, I love you. Get me the papers, let's go right here right now, I'll grab my high school dress and we'll blow this popsicle stand.

Anyway, I ate my food, of course, talking to an imaginary Kei because that's who I am as a person, plus I got years of practice.

Whatever, we're gonna speed through my morning because my thoughts are not all that entertaining, the notes here are what's important. So to the shower and yes, the note is laminated so it doesn't get wet.

DO NOT USE THE SHAMPOO IN THE YELLOW BOTTLE! It irritated your skin, and I don't want our day ruined because you break out into hives. Also, there are new towels those stupid overpriced ones you have on your Pinterest board. Hurry up, I want to see you.


I am adding all these notes to my collection, I kid you not. Now, fast forward the ten different arguments I had in the shower, it's time to get dressed. And yes, there is one final note.

You'll look good in anything, love you.


Okay, I lied there was one last note on top of my box that I keep all my ridiculous costume in.



Okay, I just got this last-minute idea for her birthday, now I will be going to bed.


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