People really piss me off

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Y/n's pov

"I think we should end this little reunion," Christopher says pulling Kei and I away from each other.

"No, I'm not done," I say trying to kick Kei. "He basically called me a hoe! And that you're easy!"

"It doesn't matter," he says pulling me back. "Who cares what's said about me."

"Let go of me because I care," I say pulling on him. "Apologize Tsukishima, apologize now."

"Fine I'm sorry for implying that you're a whore, I didn't mean and I know it's not true," he says cleaning off his glasses.

"No to Christopher," I say.

"Bird, no," Christopher says. "Let's go."

"No Christopher, he insulted you," I say.

"Well it was nice seeing everyone," Christopher says pinning my arms to my sides. "But we'll be leaving. Tsukishima keep your hands to yourself next time."

"There won't be a next time," I say. "Christopher, let me go."

"No because you're just going to swing again," he says turning towards the door lowering his voice. "You're shaking, just take a breath it's not that big of a deal."

"Bye everyone," I say shaking my head. "Wakatoshi, I'll see you June."

"See you," he says.


"I sorry that you always have to stop me from doing stupid things," I sigh once we get back to the car. "But he was just pissing me off."

"You don't need to apologize," he says. "And I'm just looking out for you."

"And I kissed Kageyama," I facepalm. "The one who was standing beside Wakatoshi. I just wanted Tsukishima to fill how I felt, it's so stupid."

"It's not stupid, I get it," he says. "You just wanted to get back at him, no one can blame you for that."

"Why did he just have to show up there?" I ask treading my fingers through my hair, messing it up in the process. "And I don't want to fucking talk to him, because it'll always end up in arguments. Because I'm just so mad, I'm still mad and it's been like three whole years."

"Well things can either get fixed or you can try to resolve your feelings and let it be," he says.

"What do you think I should do?" I ask.

"At this point, I don't think I'll be able to give you some useful advice," he says. "Because you know..."

"Oh my god," I say clasping my hands over my mouth. "I'm sorry I forgot, this is probably uncomfortable for you to have me complaining about my ex-boyfriend when you... ugh, fuck my life."

"You don't need to filter your feelings because of the ones I have for you," he shrugs. "Just do what you need to do."

"Can I get some drinks?" I ask. "And a cigarette?"

"Fine," he says. "But not too much."

"I'll be fine," I assure him.

And from there I don't remember a damm thing, so it's safe to say that I got plastered.



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