Chapter 69

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I want to write a fic with love alarm, idk if you've ever seen it, but like it's an app from a show. Look it up. Anyway, that's all.
Y/n's pov

"Hey is that your kid?" Koganegawa asks. "And your ex-girlfriend?"

"Kinda looks like him, blonde hair, tall, Tsukishima you have a kid?" Kyotani asks. "What the hell."

"I'm Ushijima Kasumi," she smiles. "Nice to meet you guys."

"She's a Ushijima?" Kei asks.

"Someone explain why we're having a family reunion in my gym," Suzuki says.

"I'm Ushijima Y/n, this is not Tsukishima's kid, she's a Ushijima she's my kid but no my kid," I say. "I don't have to explain anything here."

"That's the moon," Kasumi says. "Is that the moon, he looks like the moon, same guy from the picture."

"No more looking through at my pictures," I say taking it from her, the photo from the school festival of Kei and I. "Mr. Suzuki, I need to speak with you."

"You can speak with me here, and get that kid out," he says.

"Kasumi go back and wait with the nice lady at the front," I say.

"Hey Mr. Tall man with glasses," she says letting go of me. "Can I buy that jacket off of you please?"

"Kasumi, stop it," I say. "I need you to go and wait with someone, I can't watch you right this moment okay?"

"Tsukishima, or can I call you Kei?" she asks.

"Um Kei is fine," he says. "Y/n?"

"Kasumi," I say. "Just give me a second, I can't entertain you and talk to this guy."

"It's fine, Kei can entertain me," she says grabbing a ball off the ground. "He's the moon."

"No, Kasumi," I say.

"It's fine," Kei says. "I can watch her for a second."

"Fine," I say. "Kasumi, nothing about the moon or doll, understand me?"

"Uh-huh," she nods her head. "I'll be super good, no need to worry about me."

"And Mr. Suzuki, I came here today to discuss the missing funds," I say. "And why have you yet to invest in new uniforms for this team?"

"Because those are not at the top of the priority list," he says. "Not that it is any of your concern."

"You over there," I say pointing to another man. "Who are you?"

"Um, I'm the assistant coach," he says. "Is there something wrong?"

"You are the new head coach, and Mr. Suzuki this is your notice because you are fired," I say. "For taking money and lying."

"You can't fire me," he says. "This is my team."

I need a chill pill right now, I legit need like an Ativan right now.

"No, it's not, you're fired," I say. "I'm sorry but I can only have the best working with the company, money should've gone into new flooring, new uniforms, just everything."

"You'll be hearing-" he starts.

"I'll be hearing from your lawyer, I know," I sigh. "But truly, you should have thought about consequences before you decided to let your sticky little fingers act so unprofessionally."

"Says the one who decided to bring a child to her workplace," he scoffs. "Unbelievable that I'm being slapped around by some teen who gets whatever she wants."

"When you steal from the company, you steal from me," I say. "And I am not going to let myself get slapped around by some old man, I had to take time out of my day to deal with you and Mr. Wantanbe."

"You fired him?" he questions.

"Yes, I did fire him," I say. "I don't like working with assholes, and my patience is rather thin so leave before I have you escorted out,"

"By who?" he asks.

I'd like to thank Christopher for taking me to the gym even though it kinda made me want to die.

"Hey, you can't touch me," he says when I grab his arm.

"Sir, you're trespassing," I say as I start to pull him towards the gym door.

I really could care less if I'm causing a scene, I'm so done with today, and god knows what Kasumi is talking about right now.

"Christopher, thank god," I say once I get to the lobby. "Deal with this guy, I have to go back to get Kasumi."

"Try not to kill anyone," he says taking the guy.

The way that he just deals with stupid guys like it's nothing will never not baffle me.

"Kasumi, it's time to go," I say. "Okay?"

"Look, Kei let me have his jacket," she says. "It has green on it."

"Tsukishima, I-," I pause.

"Don't worry about it, she gave me this," he says holding up the triceratops. "My favourite."

"Hey, don't look sad," Kasumi says hugging my leg. "Be happy."

Why do I always get into situations like this?

"It was nice to meet you Kasumi," he says. "Y/n, I'm sorry, still."

"I don't hate you," I say. "So don't look at me like that please."

I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"Glad you don't hate me," he says. "I-."

"I don't want you to tell me how you feel right now," I say. "Don't think about it."

"Then when am I supposed to think about it?" he asks.

"Time to go," Kasumi says. "Let's go okay?"

"Yeah okay," I say. "We're going now."

Now would probably have been a good time to talk to him and tell him that I really do love him and apologize, but why would I do that?

I don't know if you can tell but I was planning to at least resume a friendship between them, well with the way my writing was going. I just didn't want to change up the mood of the chapter for that. Also, I think I should add in a tragic event of some sort before they get backtogehter. Kinda like a big push, but whtever.


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