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Y/n's pov

"When I told you to sleep on the balcony earlier, I didn't mean we were all actually going to sleep out here," Kei mutters.

Well, don't tell Kasumi something if you aren't gonna do it. Because once we were all home and Kei and I showered after we ate, she was trying to drag her mattress downstairs. So of course, Kei put it back, then I forced him to drag down our mattress to put on the balcony. He was not too impressed.

"I'm cold," I say.

"This is why you should've gotten matching onesies with me," Kasumi yawns. "I'm warm, don't wear shorts."

"Well, you're gonna be cold, it's September you idiot," Kei says. "Can't we just go back inside?"

"No," Kasumi says. "We're having a family bonding slumber party."

"We can have a family bonding slumber party inside," Kei says. "It'll be better anyway."

"It won't, I like it out here," she says. "It's cool."

"If you want to sleep outside just go camping," Kei sighs. "Sleeping on a mattress on the balcony is weird."

"Camping is gross," I say. "I don't want to go camping, so balcony it is."

"I agree with that," Kasumi says. "I don't want to go camping."

"Why? Camping would be fun," he says. "I'll take you Kasumi, we'll have fun, and might as well bring your mom."


"Yeah no, if you want to go have fun camping go and have a son," Kasumi says. "One that likes to roll around in the dirt."

Kasumi, you like to roll around in the dirt. I've seen you, multiple times. I have to force you into the tub.

"Daughters are better, I'd rather have another daughter," Kei says. "And you like to roll around in the dirt, Y/n has to force you into the tub."

"No more kids," I say. "Just Kasumi, she's the only kid I need."

"But I want a brother or sister," Kasumi says. "Please, just one."

"Yeah Y/n, Kasumi wants a brother or sister," Kei says.

"Stop looking at me, if you want a kid go and cry in the park and wait for one to find you," I say. "It's as simple as that."

"Boo," Kasumi says. "Mom takes those baby killer pills anyway."

"It's birth control, and I don't care. I'll take those baby killer pills for the rest of my life," I say. "But really I don't even know if I need them considering Kei a shit-head who won't tie my skates."

"She called you an s-word head," Kasumi says. "Guess you guys are breaking up now."

"She calls me an s-word head all the time," Kei says. "We aren't breaking up, she calls me Tsukishima when she wants to pull stupid stunts like that."

"That's why if you just marry her, she can't break up with you," Kasumi says. "I'm so smart."

"She could divorce me," Kei says.

"But it would be a longer process, enough time for you to get her to come to her sense," Kasumi says. "It's better that way."

"You've got a point," he says. "That would be ideal. But she'd be really mad if I didn't tie her skates before I proposed to her."

"You guys can come skate with me when I go to practice," Kasumi says. "Tie her skates then."

"No, you skate with your class," he says. "And we've got more important things to think about, you start school in march so it'd have to be sometime after then."

"No, ask her soon," Kasumi says.

"It probably has to be next year, she's so hard to shop for two, I'd half to go through her stupid Pinterest board to find a ring she'd like. It'd take too long," he says. "And I have to ask all her brothers so I don't get crucified, it's gonna be such a hassle. Next year is ideal."

"Okay, I get it," Kasumi says. "Then I'll be older too, yeah next year is best. So in December?"

"No, Christmas is then so it'd have to be after..." he pauses. "But then that's past six years, so maybe November would be a good time. Gives me a little over a year."

"I'm right in the middle of you guys," I say. "And you're planning out a prosal, I can't with you guys."

"Well you knew it was coming, I promised you," he says. "I have you more than enough time to mentally prepare."

"You are so embarrassing," I say turning to stuff my face in my pillow. "I don't like you."

"You get embarrassed by anything I say," he says. "I could say anything that is remotely kind to you and you'd blush and be all flustered."

"I am not flustered," I say.

"You always talk to tough but then fold so easily," he laughs. "It's so... I don't even know, annoyingly cute."

"You are so backhanded," I say. "But it's okay."

"I called you cute, it's a compliment," he says. "And I said that I'd marry you, what more could you want?"

"I want you to tie my skates," I mumble. "But apparently that's not gonna happen till I'm old and withered."

"You've got hands, do it yourself," he laughs.

"You are vile," I say pushing his face away from mine. "I'll toss you off the balcony."

"Oh calm down," he laughs again. "I'll tie your skates eventually."

"I'm starting to think that the way you talk about tying skates is not what I'm thinking about," Kasumi says. "And one day, I'll figure it out and feel repulsed."

"Probably," I say. "But for now, I'll stay annoyed with Kei and you can go to sleep."

"What do I need to do to make you not annoyed with me?" he asks, wrapping his arm around me. "Tell me."

"Nothing," I say. "You're weird."

"What if I give you away?" he asks. "That'll make you happy."

"I'm going to sleep," I say. "Good night."

I was joking, I'm not going to cause more drama right now. I want to keep the story happy.


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