Untitled Part 29

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This better be fixed tomorrow Wattpad, I'm gonna try resetting my thing or whatever

Y/n's pov

"You guys can just get your little kiss over with here," Christopher says. "No need to go inside."

"Luca specified that with his dare could be carried out behind closed doors," Nick says grabbing my hand. "Isn't that right Luca?"

"Oh and there's not a time limit," Luca smiles. "We'll be more than happy to wait."

"One minute," Christopher says. "So one needs more than that."

"True, no one needs more than a minute for a kiss but maybe people want more," he says. "We'll be back, no interruptions please."

"I'll be right back," I say as I'm led away from the group. "Promise."

Truth or dare, what a wonderful game am I right?

"So Y/n," Nick said slumping down onto the living room couch, motioning over for me to sit beside him. "How's it going, you having fun?"

"Um, yeah I'm having fun," I say, sitting beside him. "It was cool meeting you guys."

"Are you now?" he asks inching his face closer to mine.

"Um yeah, it's fun," I say.

"Hmm," he humms. "I think you're cool too, you've kissed someone before right?'

"Obviously," I roll my eyes.

"Just one person?" he asks.

"Yeah, just one," I say. "Why?"

"Just wondering," he says. "I'm just a curious guy."

"Clearly," I say. "Why so curious?"

"I just am," he says. "Aren't you?"

"Guess so," I shrug. "But I'd say I'm just nosy."

"Everyones a bit nosy," he says. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I suppose so," I nod my head.

"I want you to know that I am not an asshole... okay well I am an asshole but I'm not a douchebag," he says. "You understand what I'm getting at?"

"Yeah, I get it," I say. "But why are you telling me that?"

"You know how I mentioned that everyone is nosy?" he asks. "Well, I know that Victoria or Mateo is recording us right now, I mean, they can't hear anything we're saying but you get the picture."

"How do you know that?" I ask. "How do you know they're watching, what if they can read our lips?"

"Nah they can't see them that well, that's why I'm really close to your face right now," he laughs. "You worry too much."

"Where are they watching us from?" I ask, not bothering to look around, I don't want them to know I know Nick knows they're watching.

"The window behind the couch," he says. "I say the bushes move a bit."

This guy must be some spy or something.

"I'm not gonna make out with you," he says cupping my face with his hands. "But we're gonna make it look like I did, okay?"

"Wait what?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it," he said pressing his face against mine, his hand making it so there was no way they could see whether our lips were touching or not. "I bet they're getting a kick out of this."

He pushed me back onto the couch after faking up a make-out session, so there was no way they'd be able to see us as the back of the couch served as a barrier.

"I'm really confused," I say, he was still over top of me and our faces were just an inch apart.

"I've got a reputation to uphold," he says. "And I just like to piss people off, I don't wanna get with you or anything don't worry, we're cool."

"You're a weird guy," I laugh. "But to each their own I guess-ow!"

"Shhh," he shushed me as he pinched the skin of my neck between his fingers. "It's gotta rile them up, don't worry it'll fade in a day or two."

"A fake hickey? You really are weird," I say.

"I get that a lot," he says quickly kissing the tip of my nose. "And that's so you aren't technically lying about me giving you a kiss."

"So how long is this fake make-out session going to last?" I ask.

"Almost done," he says messing up my hair. "Bite your lip or something to make it look believable, and when we go out there look dazed like you just had the best make-out session of your life."

"And the point of this is?" I ask rubbing my cheeks to make them red.

"Luca and I both have a list of people we've kissed before, mines obviously longer though," he snorts. "He's gotten skeptical about my sincerity so I always make up things, though I tend to exaggerate the kiss a bit. A kiss on the tip of someone's nose can be made out to be some steamy makeout session, don't tell Luca."

"Guys are weird," I say.

"Anyway, we better get back outside," he says sitting up. "You look great."

"Likewise," I say sitting up as well.

"Oh and if you happen to get in a little scuffle later, you can expose our fake session," he says.

"Why would I get in a scuffle?" I ask, following him as he heads towards the back door.

"You really are clueless," he laughs.

Look, guys, I'm nice, I didn't make them have a quickie, you should consider following me on TikTok (spicy_crouton) if you haven't already.


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