I ate strawberries and cheese bread for my meal

584 35 44

Y/n's pov

"I'm sorry, I can't remember a Hyun off the top of my head," I say.

I gotta be nice because this is my work cell, you never know.

"Uh yeah we've never met before, I just wanted to... Hear you I guess," he says.

I hear some hushed voices in the background, but I can't quite make them out. I can't even tell if it's Japanese or not.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I ask.

But before I can answer, my other line starts beeping.

"Sorry, just one second," I say before moving over to the other line. "Hello?"

"Did someone called you?" god, she's practically yelling.

"Marigold?" I ask. "What's wrong?"

"Did someone call you?" she asks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask. "Do you know him, Hyun, his name was."

"Connect me to the call right now," she says.

And so I did just that, I'm now on a call with Marigold, Hyun and Kei by my side.

"Did you think that just because you call in the middle of the night I wouldn't know, what the hell did I tell you Hyun?" she asked. "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything," he says. "And I wasn't going to anyway."

"Uh, what's going on?" I ask.

They didn't answer me, Marigold just started yelling at him... In Korean, meanwhile, he kept his voice hushed. I quickly muted them and grabbed Kei's phone.

"What's going on?" he asked. "What are you doing?"

"I'm calling my mother," I say. "She needs to translate for me."

"Won't she be sleeping?" he asks.

She'll wake up.

"Hi, mom no time to explain, translate," I say pushing Kei's phone against mine.

"Unmute your call," she says.

"Mom, no just translate," I say.

"Unmute it," she says.

And so I did, now, did she try to tame the situation? Nope. She joined in on the conversation... In Korean.

"Can someone explain what's going on here?" I ask. "If nobody tells me anything, I'm disconnecting all the calls."

"Hyun is being an idiot and thought it'd be a good idea to go off calling you without telling me," Margold says. "And he's gonna ruin everything because he thinks I work too slow."

"I am not, you can't blame me for just wanting to have any sort of input in things," Hyun says. "You say too much, I get curious."

"We all agreed for next September after you get released," my mom says. "Now is not the time."

"Released?" I ask. "Is he in prison."

"Yeah he is, for the past twenty years and if he gets caught using a cell phone everything is gonna go to shit and he's gonna be stuck there until he dies," I've never heard Marigold so frustrated in my whole time knowing her, it's not even really anger she sounds like she could cry. "And I'll never get to see him outside again."

"Look, I'm sorry," Hyun says. "And I'm not gonna screw anything up, I've waited too long."

"Yeah, you better fucking not," she says. "You're lucky Hoshiko is doing all this."

Then she hung up.

"Hyun, I'll see you tomorrow," my mom says.

Then Hyun hung up, just leaving me, my mom, and Kei.

"Y/n, don't try to nose around for information," she says. "You won't find any, goodnight."

Then she hung up.

"What the hell was all that about?" I ask.

"I've got no clue," Kei says.

"I need to learn Korean now," I say. "I need to know what happened."

"Well, whatever it is, I guess you find out in September."

I wonder why Hyun has been in prison for twenty years, and how does he know Marigold, and Y/n's mom. All things you guys won't know for a while.


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