Every chapter and detail is important

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Y/n's pov

"I want to talk to you," he says.

"I don't care," I say shoving my phone in my bag. "Go back inside."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you back at the cafe," he says. "And in front of everybody."

"I don't give a shit if you were yelling, I was yelling," I say. "So go back inside, I don't want to talk to you. Go back with another one of your girls, you seem to get around with them a lot. I bet your girlfriend is missing you."

"She's not my girlfriend, she's just a date Y/n," he says. "I'm not seeing her."

"You're a piece of shit," I say taking a drag. "A real fucking piece of shit."

"How am I the piece of shit?" he questions.

"You're a piece of shit for what you do to those girls, you can't hop from one to another," I say. "You're basically a player."

"I am not a player," he says offended. "I tell them how it is from the beginning, I've never told any of them that the relationships we were in were exclusive. I don't know what you're on about."

"Just go away," I say. "I was just starting to forget that you even existed but you just had to come and bother me out here."

"You were not forgetting," he scoffs. "You were looking at pictures of us together, don't lie to yourself."

"Fuck off," I say. "I don't want to talk to you. And you need to stop dating every damm girl in the city."

"Who cares who I do and don't date," he says. "You broke up with me."

"Yeah, I broke up with you because I thought better of you, and apparently I was wrong," I say. "We're both pieces of shit."

"What's so wrong with me going around with multiple girls?" he asks. "What about that pisses you off so much?"

"I guarantee at least one of those girls you've seen has fallen in love with you, and you couldn't return the feelings," I say. "Once you realize that someone loves you and you can't feel the same, you'll feel like shit. And even worse when you realize that you've never felt that same kind of pain."

"And who are you say that I've never felt like that before?" he asks. "You don't know anything, and you never told me anything when we were together, you didn't even trust me."

Now I'm pissed off.

"Tsukishima I gave you what I could!" Okay, so I'm yelling now. "It was hard for me to talk about my feelings, sure I didn't give you a lot of trust, a lot of faith but I gave you the most that I was able to give!"

"Well maybe if you had said that three damm years ago I could've tried to fix things!" he yells back. "I would've listened to you, I wouldn't have said any of the things I did!"

"And I know that you've never ever felt the same as the girls that have probably loved you!" I yell. "And you need to understand that making people feel like shit intentionally or not will make it hard on yourself too!"

"And how do you know I've never ever felt the same like the girls I've slept with!?" he questioned.

"Because Kei, from the moment we started hanging out there was never a point in my life where I didn't love you! Every stupid thing I did was because I love you and it drives me crazy that every time I try to help it goes to shit!" I yell, stopping to take a breath.

"You still love me?" he asks. "Since all the way back then?"

"No, I..." I pause. "I said that I loved you, throughout our relationship. Not anymore Tsukishima."

"You just said that you still loved me," he says. "I heard it Y/n."

"Don't say anything else," I say turning away. "Tell everyone that I felt sick, and I'm sorry."

"Y/n, I'm sorry too," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him, so we were a little too close for my liking. "It's only three years."

"What's the supposed to mean?" I ask.

"I said six, so I have time," he says letting me go turning to go back inside. "I won't tell Oikawa that you went to Sendai park, just so he doesn't bother."

I didn't say anything else to him, I just silently turned and stretched making my way to Sendai park, to finally let myself cry like a loser, on the bench.

He was gonna kiss her and make everything better but then I realized it wouldn't fit in with the development she needs to have.


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