Ha, get pranked

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Y/n's pov

"No," I say. "I'm not gonna open my eyes, therefore your proposal is invalid."

"I know you wanted to ask me, I found the ring you bought months ago," he says. "I actually took the wrong box, I was going to ask you new years but when I looked in the boss it wasn't the ring I had boughten for you. Please just open your eyes and say yes."

"You knew that I bought you a ring?" I question. "I thought I hide it well."

"Who cares," he says. "Please marry me Y/n, I love you more than anything, and it doesn't matter who asks who."

"Well obviously I'm gonna marry you," I say covering my face. "That's all I've ever wanted."

"Then just say yes," he says moving my hands away.

"Yes Kei, I will marry you," I laugh. "I love you."

"Good," he sighs hugging me. "I'll have you know that this was the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever done."

"Well, you know that I'd say yes," I pause looking at the ring. "Holy fucking hell Kei, this is beautiful."

"Mhm," he nods his head.

"Kei... Are you crying?" I ask. "Are you that happy?"

"The girl of my dream just agreed to marry me, obviously I'm happy," he says hugging me tighter. "Can you blame me?"

"You're gonna make me cry," I say. "Oh wait, I have your ring with me."

"God, you always make me act dumb," he says taking off his glasses to shrub at his face. "What's wrong with me?"

"As Beyonce would say, you're just crazy in love," I laugh.

"She would say that if I like I should put a ring on it," he says. "So I did just that."

"And here is your ring," I say slipping it onto his finger. "Ta-dah, we're engaged."

"I feel like I could've made this better," he mutters.

"No, no," I say. "It's perfect, everything about it. The setting, the date, everything I love it Kei."

"Yeah, it was perfect," Kasumi says popping out from behind a tree.

"Got it all on tape," Dai says holding up a phone. "All the crying and stuff."

"Kei, you are the best," I say. "I love you."

"Yeah whatever," he says burring his face in the crook of my neck. "Give me a second... We're engaged."

"He's in shock," Kasumi says.

"Oh my god, I'm engaged," he says standing up.

"Yup, he's gone now," Dai says.

"Mom, she said yes," he says into his phone. "Mom, I'm engaged."

"Come on Dad, we've got a party to go to," Kasumi says.

"What party?" I ask.

"An engagement party," Dai says. "What else would it be?"

"Kei, what if I had said no?" I question.

"I'm gonna get to marry you," he smiles.

"It was just gonna be a house warming party then," Kasumi says. "Yeah, movers were moving stuff all day, we get to move to the new house. The big house."


"Hey Kasumi, what do you think about staying with Marigold tonight?" Kei asks. "Your mom and I need to... clean up the house."

Oh great.

"Yeah, sounds fun," Kasumi says. "Now off of to the party."

"Yes off to the party," Kei says.

"Oh, now you can make your public proclamation of love," I say.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do whatever," he says.

What next?


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