Pov Y/n overhears Tsukishima on the phone talking about how...

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...underwhelming having sex with her is

Y/n's pov

"Yeah she's still sleeping," Kei says.

Not anymore, I woke up because it's too damm cold in here.

"Hold on, I'm putting you on speaker," he says. "Can you hear me okay still?"

"Yeah, just fine," Yamaguchi says. "Still surprised that you woke up so late, you must've been extra tired, I wonder how you ended your night. Must've been a pretty large celebration for your engagement, hmm?"

"Well you celebrated my engagement by getting plastered," Kei says. "So who cares what I do?"

"I'm just bugging you, Tsuki," he laughs. "So speaking of engagement and that stuff, when do you think the wedding will be?"

"I don't know, I'll talk to her later," Kei says. "Probably won't be for a few months, she needs lots of time."

"When would you want to get married?" he asks.

"It doesn't matter, we could go to the courthouse today and get married, I'd be fine with that," Kei says, he's definitely brushing his teeth right now. "But I'll leave it up to her, as long as she's happy with the wedding I don't care where or when it is."

"What about the end of summer?" he asks.

"No, she'll get too hot in the heat, she's such a baby," I could hear his eye roll. "I guess November would be a decent time since that'll give her enough time. I swear, it's gonna take her at least four months to decide on a dress. And there's so much planning."

"So you're gonna leave all the planning up to her?" he asks.

"Pretty much, either way, she'll become my wife so I'll let her have all the fun she wants. And it won't just be her planning it, she'll have her whole possy with her," Kei says. "Plus, I already know where I'm taking her for the honeymoon. I love her so I just want her to be happy."

"Remember when you used to say that the concept of a honeymoon was stupid?" Yamaguchi laughs. "Or getting married in general was not something you ever wanna do?"

"Yeah, well when I said that I hadn't met Y/n yet," Kei says. "Taking a small trip with her would be fun anyway, she'll like it."

"I should get going, Azalea and I are gonna go and get Kasumi and Dai then take them to practice," he says. "Then meet up at the cafe later?"

"Yeah, sounds good," Kei says. "I gotta go to, I turned the ac on so I should probably throw another blanket on Y/n. I bet she's cold, bye Yams."

"Bye Tsuki," Yamaguchi says.

Now, time to pretend I'm sleeping, and we all know that over the years I have mastered the element of the sleeping position.

"Good morning," he says quietly. "Yeah, you're freezing, sorry."

Does he know I'm awake? Nah, he woulda called me out if he did.

"Maybe I should buy us a thicker comforter, yeah, I'll get one today," he says.

He's really out here putting some pyjama pants on me, the nice fuzzy kind.

"This should be better for you."

"Do you always talk to me when I'm sleeping?" I ask.

And he screamed, jumped back and tripped on my slippers, the whole works.

"You scared me," he says getting back up. "Don't ever do that again."

"Well do you?" I ask. "Do you talk to me when I'm sleeping? Or when you think I am?"

"So what?" he questions. "You talk to the cat, and you sleep all the time, so I have no choice but to talk to you while you're asleep. Not to mention, this way I don't have to put up with your annoying voice and face."

"You love both," I say. "I know you do, I'm the best."

"Mhm," he nods his head.

"I'm hungry," I say.

I want pizza.

"I ordered in pizza twenty minutes ago, it should be here soon," he says.

"I love you," I smile. "I can't wait to get married, then I can go around say my husband this and my husband that."

"I love you too," he says. "Even though you're annoying."

"Anyway, I have a relationship-changing challenge that I need you to do for me," I say. "Some may say that this is taking our relationship to the next level."

"We just got engaged," he says. "What... Never mind, just tell me what it is."

"Can you paint my toenails please?" I ask. "I always mess up."

"That's it?" he asks. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Kei, my toes are not that nice," I say. "And it is a very big step to have you in close proximity to my feet."

"I see your feet every day," he says. "What are you on about? I don't care about them."

"Will you paint them or not?" I ask.

"Yeah, whatever," he says. "After the pizza comes."

"Yay, our relationship is now top tier," I smile.

I start school next week.


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