Untitled Part 92

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Y/n's pov

Yeah, I got back to the apartment before him, I sent him a text saying he could come in and stuff. But in those fifteen minutes, I really thought about everything. And I'm stupid,

*knock knock*

He was frantically knocking at my door, so of course, I casually walked over to it and answered.

"Oh hi Kei, fancy seeing you here," I say. "What's up?"

"You said that you were going to kiss me," he says. "And punch me, though I wish we could keep that part out."

"Uh, I changed my mind," I say leaning against the door frame. "I'm not going to kiss you right now, or punch you."

"No, you can punch me, and then kiss me," he says.

"Hey mister," Kasumi says opening the door wider. "Are you forgetting that you made her cry? And me cry, she has standards."

"What? I'm sorry, I won't do it again," he says. "I promise, I just want to be with you Y/n. What about everything you said?"

"Just because I say something doesn't mean I'm not going to change my mind," I say. "The last time we did it and got back together, nothing changed. We've got to keep it cool."

"Come on Y/n, please," he says.

"I said don't be a bitch," I say. "I'm not a teenager anymore, Kei. Rember how long it took us to get together?"

"Yes," he sighs. "I remember."

"Then you can wait," I say. "We still need to talk, a lot. I told you everything so you have to do the same."

"Tell you what? I'll tell you everything right now," he says. "Everything, anything at all."

"Well now isn't the time," I say. "It's late, really late. Plus, Christmas morning is technically now, but Kasumi and I need to get to bed. She's still a kid and runs on a schedule."

"Can I call you mom now?" she asks hugging my leg.

"Yeah, go ahead," I say.

"Please can we talk now?" he asks. "Please, it'll be quick."

"No, it can't be quick," I say. "It takes time, lots of time."

"How much time?" he asks. "Can I come in? Please, let me come in Y/n."

"You can come in," I say opening the door all the way. "Blankets in the hallway closet if you feel sleepy, and the couch is there. You can spend the night, on the couch of course, not it Kasumi's room. Though she'll be with me."

"The couch?" he asks. "Can't I sleep in the bed? I won't touch you."

"I know you won't because you won't be in the bed, you can be on the couch or next door," I say.

"Take it or leave it," Kasumi says. "She never said that the two of you are back together."

"We aren't back together?" he questions.

"We can date, I guess," I shrug. "But, we're not boyfriend and girlfriend yet."

"We're not?" he asks.

"No, not yet anyway," I say. "You have to wait, and no, you can't kiss me."

"Can I hug you?" he asks.

"No, I don't need a hug from you," I say. "Because it's not just going to be a hug, now Kasumi and I need to get to bed."

"Are you sure I have to sleep on the couch?" he asks.

"What did she say, mister?" Kasumi asks. "She said you can sleep on the couch, okay?"

"Yeah, fine," he says stepping in. "I'll sleep on the couch."

"Goodnight Kei," I smile. "It's nice having you back."

"Goodnight kiss?" he asks. "Maybe?"

"I'll make sure to add some chocolate kisses into your stocking," I say. "You could've gotten in some sweet kisses back at the party, but you chose something else. You're lucky you're back here."

"I love you Y/n," he says.

"Goodnight Kei," I say.



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