Pov they die

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Y/n's pov

"You're late," Kei says.

"I am not, you're early," I say. "We weren't supposed to meet up for another ten minutes."

"Well, I wanna watch the previews," he says.

"Yeah, because you're an old man," I laugh.

"Oh shut up," he says taking my hand. "Let me see your nails."

"Bunny picked the colour," I say. "You like them?"

"No, they're ugly," he says. "Obviously I like them, they match."

"Match what?" I ask.

"You," he says. "Now come on, let's go watch the stupid movie."

"Um, you're the one who loves Jurassic Park," I say. "That makes you stupid."

"Jurassic Park?" he asks. "Which one?"

"Uh, the same one we saw in high school," I say. "Now hurry up, you old man. We don't wanna miss the previews."

"You're the one who watches the credits," he says.

"Just come on," I say pulling him through the theatre. "I want snacks."

"Dumbass," he says hugging me from behind. "We always bring the snacks, and you're right, the ice packs are really cold."

"Is that the sound of pop tarts I hear?" I ask.

"And I've got a whole tube of pringles up my sleeve," he says.

"This is why I love you," I sat. "So much,"

"Whatever," he says. "Come on."

"Say it back, hoe," I say. "How am I supposed to know that you love me?"

"Because I do love you," he says. "Eveyone knows that."

"I demand a public proclamation of love," I say.

"Fine, you can have one later," he says.

"Not just at home," I say. "You gotta let everyone know."

"Yeah, fine," he says.

"Really?" I ask. "You will?"

"Well if it means so much to you, then yeah," he shrugs. "Now come on, I wanna see this movie."


I think they drig the theatre seats, because everytime I'm in that theater and the movie ends, I fall asleep. The only difference this time is that I have awoken from my slumber.

"Just like you to fall asleep in public places," he scoffs.

"And just like you to take us to the dumb bench instead of going home," I say.

"Yeah well, people are gonna think I being some creep if I carry a sleeping woman into my car," he says. "So this was the better option."

"What about in highschool? You carried a sleeping girl to your house," I say. "That was dodgy."

"It was rainining, so I looked helpful," he says. "It's different."

"It's not," I say. "Looks like you used the sound of the rain to drown out my screaming because you're a serial kidnapper."

"You look like a serial kidnapper, no, you are a serial kidnpaper," he says. "You can't just take kids, how snatched Kasumi."

"Okay but Kasumi is my kid, Aiyumi said so," I say. "It's fine."

"Okay, it's fine," he says. "Now close your eyes and give me your hand."

"A charm?" I ask following his instructions. "Maybe popcorn, a dinosaur, the possibilities are endless. Y'know, it's gonna be sad when there's no more room on my bracelet-. Kei... that doesn't feel like a charm."

"Because it's not... Six years ago today, I realized that I wanted to be with you, and today I'm telling you just how deep that feeling is. So Y/n, will you marry me?"



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