"Puns are the lowest form of comedy" -Ushijima Wakatoshi

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Y/n's pov

"Christopher, can I please use your phone?" I ask walking into his apartment. "Oh wait, can I come in?"

"You don't need to ask to come in," he says motioning me over to the couch. "Just walk in."

"Okay perfect, because I most likely would have forgotten to knock every time," I say taking a seat beside him. "Now can I use your phone please, I'll be really quick?"

"What do you need it for?" he asks.

"Oh no reason in particular," I shrug. "Just need to do some research, using your phone, of course, I left mine in my pocket and it's too hard to get it."

"Yes, of course, it's research," he says fishing it out of his pocket. "Totaly not something for the secret birthday surprise you're planning for me, because you know I'm not too big on surprises."

"Of course it's not for the surprise I'm not planning, but even if I was planning something I know you'd like it," I say taking his phone. "And don't look at what I'm doing, it's girl stuff, you wouldn't understand."

"Hey now Bird, I'm not completely clueless about girls," he says.

"Mhm," I nod my head swiping through his contacts. "Of course you're not."

"When your hair gets stuck to your lips right after you put on lip gloss," he says. "That's a struggle, or when it feels like you're getting gutted like a fish."

"Okay, maybe you do," I say. "But that's irrelevant because you'll never understand the epic highs and lows of high school football."

"I played football," he says.

"You played football?" I question still trying to find his mom's contact information. "Proof or it didn't happen."

"I have photo's somewhere, I'll find them for you," he says.

Ms. Ushijima/Brid's mom, fun. Nicks's mom, Mateo's mom, Victoria's mom, my mom, perfect.

"What other sports did ya play?" I ask handing his phone back to him, after exiting his contacts app, of course, we don't want to leave behind evidence. "I'm sorry but if you say soccer I don't think we can hang out anymore."

"Well I'm happy to tell you that I didn't play soccer," he laughs. "I played some basketball, football, just mostly played around with my friends, but mostly kickboxing."

"Yeah, I know that part, that's why you're so muscley," I say.

"I'm not that muscley," he says looking at his arms. "Just a regular amount."

"Um sure, you are," I nod my head. "Because everyone is just walking around beefier than Bokuto and Wakatoshi, totally normal."

"It's fine," he says.

"I mean come on Christopher, you could kill me with a shoulder bump- no a fist bump," I say. "Like, you'd kill me, I'd be dead then."

"Well you don't need to worry, I wouldn't ever hurt you," he assures me. "Let alone kill you."

"Obviously you won't kill me," I say. "Killers be crazy, so you better watch you're own back."

"So you're gonna kill me?" he asks.

"Yup, ima scratch up your back, dead," I pause. "That sounded bad, ignore that, I'll stab you in the back, no I'll use a gun. Okay, just kill me now, that was embarrassing."

"I heard nothing, and taught nothing," he says shifting in his seat. "Wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Yes please, a movie sounds great right now," I say. "Better than letting my mouth run."

I have an idea, it has a sizeable time skip though. But I can always add extra chapters in the side story. I just think it will be repetitive since there won't be any drama until after the time skip, and I don't really wanna write out 100+ chapters that aren't totally necessary for the plot.


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