I love my cats

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Y/n's pov

He made breakfast, I can smell it, he's such a little suck-up. Kasumi's still sleeping so I just slipped out of the bed, making my way out of the room out there where Kei is.

"Good morning Y/n," he says.

"Just because you change up your personality doesn't mean I'm going to change my mind, and besides I like the way it was in high school. Let's restart, say something you normally would," I say. "Come on, do it."

"Is this a test?" he asks.

"No, stop being paranoid, there are a few types of assholes and you should know which ones are good," I say. "So restart, now."

"Your hair looks like shit," he says.

"Good, thank you," I smile. "You can continue to sleep on the couch."

"What?" he questions. "Why?"

"Look Kei, it's gonna take a few months, maybe even a whole year for me to not want to punch you in the face," I say taking a seat at the kitchen counter, pulling a plate towards myself. "Now, tell me what the hell you were thinking when you went sleeping around with girls."

"Y/n... Do I really have to? You're just going to get angrier at me," he sighs.

"Yes, you have to," I say. "This is my apartment, remember, and I'm not the one who was a bitch last night."

"I missed you, that's why I slept with those girls," he says. "And I didn't sleep with all of them, sometimes we just... fooled around a bit."

"Oh, that makes me so much happier, you fooled around because I wasn't there to drop to my knees, I feel special," I say. "Go on."

"Look, it's not that I wanted to turn into a-," he starts.

"A slut, you turned into a slut," I nod.

"It's not that I wanted to turn into a... a slut, it's just that I missed you in my bed, that sounds bad. I missed having you around, I liked having my arm around you and having you in my bed. But anytime I tried to get into a relationship they always wanted to break up with me because I was a shitty boyfriend," he says. "So I figured if I slept with them and the sex was good maybe they'd stay around a bit longer..."

"Lovely, so it seems to be that the whole time we were dating it was me who was putting up with you, not the other way around," I nod my head.

"Yeah whatever," he says. "But I stopped sleeping around a while ago, it was stupid and my mom said that I was never going to get anywhere if I kept doing what I was doing."

"You want a kiss now?" I ask.

"You know that I want to kiss you, but you also said this is going to take time," he says. "So it really doesn't matter what I want here."

"You sound desperate," I laugh.

"I am not desperate," he scoffs.

"Please punch me in the face Y/n, I* love you, just a kiss please," I say in a mocking tone. "Sounds pretty desperate to me."

"Shut up," he grumbles. "I was tired yesterday."

"Not tired enough to beg," I laugh.

"Oh be quiet, you beg more than me," he says. "Now eat your food."

"What are your plans today?" I ask.

"I'm staying here," he says. "With and Kasumi."

"What about your mom?" I ask. "She's definitely making a diner, you should go over to your mom's house. I bet you barely go and see her."

"Then come with me," he says. "And bring Kasumi, my mom likes kids. And my brother is going to be there."

"I can't, Christopher probably wants to come over," I say. "SInce it's Christmas."

"Just bring him to my mom's," he says. "She likes people, just come with me, I know Christopher it's fine."

"I know that you know Christopher because all three of you idiots made a huge plan to get me with you. Not even bothering to think about how it would work out, guys are dumb," I shake my head. "You don't even like Christopher."

"Of course I don't like him, he kissed you, why should I like him?" he questions.

"Because he probably the only reason you're sitting here right now," I shrug.

"Do you want to go out on a date tomorrow?" he asks.

"Kei, you're weird," I laugh.

"I am not weird, how is it weird for asking the girl I like out on a date? There is nothing weird about that," he says.

"You act weird when you're unsure," I say. "That's what I mean."

"Well what do you expect me to do?" he asks. "I don't know what you're going to do."

"Remember when we weren't dating?" I ask. "Like in high school?"

"Yes, of course, I do," he says. "It was terrible."

"How was it terrible?" I ask.

"You were so oblivious when I clearly liked you," he says. "It was annoying, so now that we know that we both like each other I don't want to go back to that."

"Too bad," I say. "We're going back to when we were just friends, for now. Just like in high school."

"Fine, then if it's like high school we'll be together in like three months," he says. "I can live with that."

He's kinda cute.

"Just be patient," I say. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You're so annoying," he mutters.

"Okay now that the reunion is all over, it's time for presents," Kasumi says walking out of the room, still looking tired. "Now mister, did you buy my mom a present?"

Feels weird being called mom... Guys, I'm a mom, I'm just now registering this.

"Obviously I got a present for her," he says. "I got both of you a present."

"Ugh, I love you Kasumi," I say picking her up off the floor.

"What about the moon? Do you love him too?" she asks.

"Yeah, of course, I do," I say.

"They say it," Kei chimes in.

"I told you yesterday," I smile. "You've waited for years, I'm sure you can wait a little longer.

Okay, jesus.


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