This is a strong message

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Y/n's pov

"Why do you always pick the worst times?" I ask yawning. "We should get a private jet."

"Then buy one," he laughs.

"Chritopher I ha-" I start.

"You hate spending money," he says. "And that's why we get the flights at weird times, so it's cheaper."

"I'm so stupid then," I say tugging down my hood to shield my eyes from the light of the airport. "I retract my previous complaint, thanks for getting the weird flight times."

"Then you're welcome," he says. "Why don't you sleep until it's time to board?"

"Because I don't want to fuck up my sleep schedule like I normally do, I'll end up sleeping like fourteen hours a day," I yawn. "And it'll be terrible, sleep all the time and then it'll be like you're spending all your time with a lifeless corpse."

"So you'll sleep on the flight?" he asks. "And I'll wake you up so you can eat."

"Mhm," I nod my head. "Order me a drink too. I heard that one drink in the air is three on the land."

"Funny, but I'm not getting you a drink Bird," he says. "Once you turn twenty-one I promise I'll get you your first drink."

"Why don't we go to Canada?" I ask. "Then I can drink there, or you can buy me a drink once I turn twenty and by then we'll be in Japan. Or you could always just buy me one, I promise I won't tell anyone."

"No, it's probably bad enough that I turn a blind eye to your smoking," he says. "And drinking isn't all that fun."

"Well it sure looked fun when you and Mateo, Luca and Victoria were rolling around like fools last year," I say. "It sure did look like lots of fun."

"But you got to have fun with Nick," he says. "And the hangover was definitely not worth it."

"Just get me a little little drink," I say pinching my fingers together, putting empathic on the little part. "Please Christopher, no one will ever have to know."

"Not on a plane," he says. "And I don't want to see you feeling sick and stuff."

"I don't care," I say. "Just one drink and I'll never bother you again."

"You can have one," he says. "One small drink, only one."

"Yay, I can't wait to become an alcoholic," I smile.

"In Japan, not on the plane," he says. "In the hotel, no wondering around, and only one."

"Two in the hotel, or one in the sky which is three," I say.

"Or I can be mean and stop you from having any," he smiles. "What about that."

"Okay, so I'm getting two drinks," I smile, laying my head back. "Because I know that you- I mean, you aren't a mean person."

"I can be mean," he says.

"No, you're one of the nicest guys I know," I say.

"A nice guy?" he asks.

"Yeah I guess you're a nice guy," I say. "What's wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing," he laughs. "Just rest until it's time to board, alright?"

"Yeah okay," I say. "Don't leave me in the airport."

"I wouldn't dream of leaving you, Bird," he says.

Y/n doesn't know this yet, but two people she knows are dead. Whether or not I've introduced them into the story yet is irrelevant, all that matters is that I like to fuck things up behind the scenes.


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