Idc, this is my favourite dressing."

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Y/n's pov

"Woah there," Atsumu says as I use him as a barricade. "Trouble in paradise? Ir is Tsukishima gonna throw a tantrum because Y/n won't expose her feet for him?"

"Tsuki-po has a foot fetish?" Bokuto asks. "That's unexpected."

"A foot fetish," Kuroo says joining our group. "I'm not one to shame but..."

"I do not have a foot fetish," he scoffs. "Y/n's just mad because she's a cry baby, and that I didn't kiss her because of her morning breath."

"Uh, not true," I say. "You were gonna kiss me until you told me that you fantasize about getting a foot job."

Boy am I glad the kitchen is on the other end of the house, and that I can hear those children blasting Shrek.

"Really Tsukishima? Trying to get off with feet this early?" Christopher asks. "And feet out of all things."

"Jesus, I do not have a thing for feet," Kei says. "Now move bleach blonde, I'm in the middle of something."

"Yeah in the middle of trying to get a footjob," Bokuto says. "You good bro?"

"I was not trying to get a footjob," he says. "That's the last thing I'd ever want from her."

"So what you're saying is that you would want one from her?" Atsumu asks. "Weird."

"Oh my god, I do not have a foot fetish, now move," he says.

"No don't move," I say. "He's gonna beat me with that pillow and I'm going to die."

"You have a foot fetish," Christopher laughs.

"I don't, shut up Chrissy," Kei says. "I bet you're into some weird role-play or something."

"I am not, that's Atsumu," Christopher says pointing at him. "Look at his face, he totally is into that kinda stuff."

"Oh yeah, well so is Bokuto," Atsumu says. "And he's into bitting, stop looking at me, look at him."

"You always have bite marks on your arms," Bokuto says. "Shut up you know nothing about my life, don't you have to be a lifeguard at some girl's bathtub?"

"Uh, I'll have you know I only have bite marks on my arms because I was a brother with rabies," he says. "And as is I'm into pool lifeguard shit."

"FIne, then Kuroo," Bokuto says. "He could barely survive in high school because all those girls wore thigh-high socks, yeah he had to have a meeting with his sock at least once a week."

"Oh shut up," Kuroo says. "Shouldn't we talk about how Tsukishikma used to buy condoms from his coach?"

"So what if he did?" I ask. "At least he was getting laid, unlike you fools."

"I bet he still buys them from his old coach," Atsumu laughs.

"Bold of you to assume I still need them," Kei says. "Try getting into a long turn relationship, ass hat."

"No need to be so harsh," Atsumu says. "It's not my fault all of us got a girl in high school, don't focus on my singleness, what about Christopher. He's the oldest here, harass him."

"Yeah my girlfriend broke up with me, and doesn't Bokuto get excited if you call him a good boy?" he asks.

Aw, poor Christopher.

"Hey now," Bokuto says. "You can't be throwing around words like that, shut up. You have a size kink."

"Bokuto, everyone here has one of those," Kuroo says.





"Come on guys, you know I'm not lying," Kuroo says.

Then get this...

The arguments stopped and they all agreed on that subject, and everything was cleared up. Then they started talking as if this were a boys locker room, lots of topics, but I could've gone without all of that knowledge.

"Oh Y/n, you didn't hear any of that did you?" Bokuto asks.

"Oh great, she looks uncomfortable now," Atsumu says.

"Yeah no shit, we all just acted like teenagers," Christopher says.

"Now that all of you just told my girlfriend that you've got some weird-ass size kink, I better not see any of you looking at her," Kei says walking over to me.

"Yeah, says that tallest one in the group," Kuroo says. "And as if we're all out here thinking about getting with your girlfriend of all people."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asks. "You don't think she's pretty?"

"Dude, we're basically her brothers," Bokuto says.

"Oh yeah," Kei pauses. "But I can't trust the fake blonde, Christopher is fine."

"You guys need to stop acting like I'm the scum of the earth," Atsumu says. "I'm not gonna do anything, or think anything. I could've seen her boobs yesterday, but I didn't."

"Uh mom, I thought it was an intruder so I threw my mug," Kasumi says walking up to us. "It wasn't, it was fake blond tip, oops."

"Headshot!" Bokuto cheers.

"If Kenma's dead, we're all dead," Kuroo says.

Okay, it's 11 am, time to fo to go to sleep.


Hi, this is me after my two-hour nap. I had like a stroke trying to end the chapter this time around. I hadn't slept all yet at the time.


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