You guys should go and read my new text fic

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Y/n's pov

"Um... Who's kid is that?" Christopher asks as I start to put the car seat in the car.

"I'm Kasumi, you look like an ox," she says. "I'm three."

"An ox?" he asks.

"Yeah... Don't worry about it," I say. "And this isn't my kid, so don't worry about her."

"Okay, as long as she isn't kidnapped," he says.

"So what's on today's agenda?" I ask walking around to the passenger side of the car.

"Ikea, pick out furniture and place an order-is that girl playing Sodoku right now?" he asks.

"And what about it?" Kasumi asks. "You'd rather me kick your seat and cry about Coco melon?"

"No no," he laughs. "Carry on, I'm not judging."

"Okay, what else do I need to do today?" I ask.

"You need to fire someone today," he says. "At the sports center? I don't know, I have the address and some papers for you to read over."

"Mhm," I nod my head taking the offered papers. "Seems fun, what's so bad about this guy here?"

"He's sexist, keeping too much of the team's budget money, and now that he's technically under your payroll you can get rid of him," he says. "Gonna amp up the gym too."

"Oh yeah," I nod my head reading through the papers. "I started funding this place when I got access to all my companies funds, fun times, fun times."

"Can I come?" Kasumi asks.

"Of course," I say. "But you are going to wait in the loppy part or front entrance with Christopher."

"I want to stay with you," she says. "No offence big guy."

"None taken," he laughs.

"Kasumi, you've gotta say with him, I can't bring you with me to fire people," I say. "I won't take long when I do, promise."

"Just say that it's take your kid to work day," she shrugs. "I want to stay with you. If you lose me, you'll be fined."

"I won't lose you," I say. "It's probably better leaving you with Christopher, he's way more responsible than me."

"Something about leaving me with a strange man is kinda weird if you ask me," she says. "Even though he's perfectly fine, I'll yell stranger danger if you don't take me with you so I can watch that old man cry when you strip him of his title."

"Fine, I'll bring you," I say. "But if anyone asks, I'm your mom, don't want to get into trouble."

"Mama, mother, mom, chose your title," she says. "Or should I just call you Ms. Ushijima?"

"Don't call me any of that," I say. "Just if anyone asks, I'm your mom."

"Rodger that," she says. "Can we get happy meals before we go to Ikea?"

"We're gonna get meatballs at Ikea," I say.

"Fine," she sighs. "I guess we can get happy meals after Ikea, I want the Bts one."

"I don't think those are out yet," Christopher says.

"Make it work big guy, threaten them or something," she says. "You're beefy enough."

"You sure did find a wild one, Bird," he laughs.

"Uh-huh," I nod my head.

"I am very much needed that you get to be called Bird, but you, Y/n haven't given me a nickname," she says. "I want one too."

"Gerbil," I say. "There."

"No, I can't a better one," she says. "Cuz my dinosaur is saying no to that one."

"Fine, you get to be my star," I say. "How's that one?"

"Oh my god," she smiles. "Now all we need is your moon."

"One more word about the moon and that triceratops toy is out the window," I say. "Got it?"

"Violence has been chosen today," she says. "Now onward to Ikea big guy, giddy up."

"You remind me of someone I know," he says glancing over at me. "Like two peas in a pod."

"Reminds me of her too," I say.

If I start doing smaller time skips, like a couple of months would you guys care? Like I just want to write out the really important parts that need to work for the plot. I mean, I'm gonna do it anyway so idk why I'm asking.


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