If chapters seem choppy, it's cuz...

786 47 51

...I forget what I wrote and just write where I think I should be

Y/n's pov

December, 23rd, operation prepare for fancy party bitch is a go.

And by far the saddest times of my life, time to drop off Kasumi.

"Please Y/n, let me come with you," she said clinging onto my leg the moment I set her down in the home. "I promise I'll be good, I promise, please take me. I don't want you to leave me here, please."

"Kasumi, it's not up to me whether I bring you or not," I say. "And I just can't, I promise that I'll come and pick you up the moment I get back, I promise."

"No please," she says. "I'll be good, I'll behave, just let me come with you."

She was practically shaking, almost crying, so of course, I'd have to try to do something. If she starts crying, I'll start crying, and it'll be a whole mess. So now, it's time to deal with the old hag.

"Okay okay, I'll figure out a way to take you with me," I say fixing her hair. "Just let go of my leg so I can sort this out, I promise."

"No, I'm not letting you go," she says. "You're going to leave me here, I know it."

"Kasumi, I will not leave you here," I say. "I promise, and if I can't take you with me, then I guess I'm staying right here."

"You have to go, you said that you have to go, it's important," she says. "The big guy said that you have to go, no exceptions."

"Well, then I guess I'm taking you with me," I say. "Just please, let go of me, I will not leave you here."

"Do you promise?" she asks. "Promise you'll take me with you?"

"Yes, I promise," I say getting her to let go of me. "Promise."


"This is exactly what I was telling you about attachment," the old hag says as I take a seat in her office. "She's become attached to you, and gets like this any time you leave her."

"Then let me keep her," I say. "Please, I can take care of her, she'll have a good life with me."

"You know my answer, it's no," she says.

"Then at least let me take her with me to Tokyo," I say. "We won't be gone for long, and I'll call you to let you know she's okay. She'll be fine, I really want to bring her."

"She has no business going out to Tokyo for a party," she says. "That's not a place for kids, there will be alcohol, no."

"There will also be other kids," I say. "And there is no way she'll get any alcohol near her, please just let me take her with me. She's freaking out, I shouldn't have even mentioned that I was going to Tokyo."

"You're right, you shouldn't have," she says. "And you really shouldn't have continued to come and take her out on outings. There is no good reason for you to take her out to Tokyo."

"There is actually, I need to... I need to introduce her to someone," I say. "Yes, I need her to meet someone. Many people actually."

"And who would those people be?" she asks.

"Um... I'm hoping to be getting engaged soon," I nod my head. "Yes, I want to get engaged but I need them to like Kasumi."

"And who would this person be?" she asks.

"You know, my family, there are some old traditions so of course, this is going to be arranged," I say. "So it'll be good for me, and there are different people."

"Like who?" she asks.

"A professional volleyball player," I say. "Yes, there are some different volleyball players that are possible suitors."

"I need names," she says.

"I have names," I say quickly pulling out my phone.


Big guy: Who do I need to fight?

Bird: I need a list of all the volleyball players who are coming to the party that are in my age range, not married asap.

Bird: Please, please, please.

Christopher: *insert long list*

Bird: TyTytytytytytyyyyyyy

"Here you go," I say handing my phone over to her.

Should I have read through the list? Maybe.

"There sure are a lot," she says. "Do they all live here in Sendai?"

"No, some live... not here," I say.

"Some of these people have some questionable... scandals you could say," she says.

"Oh really, like who?" I ask.

"Just last week Miya Atsumu got into a fight at a restaurant," she says. "Quite troubling."

"That was just his brother, and if you don't approve of him I'll steer clear. I just want to bring Kasumi with me, please," I say.

"Kageyama Tobio, I've heard nice things about him," she nods her head.

No, nope, never, gross. Ew, I just remembered that I kissed him before.

"Mhm, very good," I say.

She continued to list off names, and I continued to nod my head and agree with everything she said about how great they are. I said things like 'oh I love that one' and 'yes, very handsome' and 'one of my favourites.

"Oh yes, one of my favourites," I say nodding my head. "Very handsome he is."

"Maybe you should talk to him more, he seems like a good choice," she says.

"Yes, very good choice," I continue to nod my head. "I don't think I'd mind being engaged to him."

"And he lives here in Sendai, you really should get to know him," she says.

"I will, I think I might want to get engaged to him," I say.

"You should," she nods her head.

"So I can take Kasumi?" I ask hopefully.

"I suppose so..." she trails off.

I did it, I did it, I really fucking did it.

"And good luck on your potential engagement with Tsukishima Kei," she says.

"Tsukishima?" I question. "What about Tsukishima?"

"Well, that's the man we've been talking about," she says handing my phone back to me. "Is there something wrong?"

I really need to pay attention.

"No, nothing's wrong," I shake my head. "I can't wait, so I'll be leaving now. I promise to take care of Kasumi, bye now."

"I hope to see lots of photos, maybe some of Tsukishima as well," she says. "Bye now."

"Will do," I smile.

I want to die.

I asked this on my other stories, but I need your guy's predictions for the story. In any aspect of it.


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