Untitled Part 155

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Y/n's pov

"I'm taking your kid because shed abused me," Kenma says once we all get to the front door. "I'll bring her and that boy back later."

"What, why?" I ask.

"Because I need to borrow them," he says tossing those kids' leashes at them. "Put these on."

"You can't borrow them," I say.

"Yeah, you can't borrow us," Kasumi says.

"I'll sue you, look what your kid did to my face," Kenma says. "I've got a black eye."

"I have more money than you," I say. "I'll win."

"I also ordered you take out that should be here in ten minutes," he says. "That taco place you like."

"Okay, bye guys, have fun," I say.

"What? You can't do this," Kasumi says. "Dad, he's buying her with food."

"Yeah, maybe it's not a good idea to let you guys be borrowed," Kei says.

"I also have to singular copy of Y/n on the cover of a magazine," he says. "I've been saving it in case I needed something to buy you."

Ah, I remember that. I was just messing around and thought fuck it, then I thought fuck no and the magazine cover wasn't released since we went with a different one. Though there was one demo copy made, I lost it but I guess we all know where it is.

"As if you can buy me with a picture of Y/n," Kei says. "Don't take my daughter anywhere, or Dai."

"It's a sports magazine," he says holding up a plastic bag. "Also, footage of Kuroo exposing her crush on you years ago."

"I don't need any of that," Kei says. "Keep it."

"Did I mention it was for a swimsuit line?" Kenma asks.

"I am not so desperate that I need a picture of Y/n in a bathing suit," Kei says.

Hurry up Kei, crumble so I can have my food.

"You are such a pest," Kenma says. "One last thing I'll add into the deal."

"And what is that?" Kei asks.

Shit, he has nothing else.

"See, you've got nothing," Kei says. "You're not taking them anywhere."

"I know where to buy what you've been looking for," he says. "You know what I mean."

"What is it?" I ask. "Kei?"

"Fine, take them," Kei says. "I'll send you the money then go and get it."

"Deal," Kenma says going to leave with the children.

"What?" Kasumi questions.

"I've got food in the car," Kenma says.

"Kenma, give me the magazine too," Kei says.


Really short chapter but I'm so tired.


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