Pov they fuck

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Y/n's pov

"Y/n?" Kei hums.

It's like two o'clock in the morning and I stayed true to our little arrangement, I slept in the same bed as Kei not that there were any complaints on my end.

"You awake?" he asks, whispering.

"Yeah," I whisper back. "Why?"

"Thought so," he says. "Can't sleep?"

"I should be asking you that," I say turning in the bed so I'm face to face with him. "You woke me up."

"I promise I wasn't trying to do anything, I would never," he says. "I'm sorry."

"You were just touching the inside of my hoodie, you don't need to explain yourself," I say.

"I know but, I didn't want you to think anything of it," he says.

"You used to do the same thing in high school, I said that you don't need to explain yourself," I say. "Though, I appreciate you being cautious and respectful."

"I love you," he says.

"You get really nice when you're tired," I smile. "It's nice."

"I'm not going to be so nice to you all the time, don't get used to it," he says. "But I have a feeling you don't want to get used to me being nice all the time."

"And you were making far too many innuendos," I say. "She's gonna remember this when she's older, she'll understand it too."

"It's fine, all adults do that so their kids can be embarrassed when they're older," he says. "She'll live."

"Kei," I say.

"What's up?" he asks.

"Nothing, I just like your name," I say. "I love your name actually."

"I like when you say it," he cracks a smirk. "But I prefer when you scream it."

"Kei stop it," I gasp pushing his chest. "You're getting too ahead of yourself with the innuendos, they are starting to just be pure filth."

"Oh it's fine," he says. "They're just words after all."

"Yeah, just words," I roll my eyes.

"Your legs are cold," he says. "Why'd you wear shorts?"

"I wasn't cold before, Kasumi probably touched the ac or something," I say. "And I didn't bring any sweats."

"Are you tired?" he asks.

"I'm always tired," I say. "You know that,"

"You should sleep," he says. "You get cranky when you don't sleep, and you being cranky is annoying."

"Guess you're not so tired anymore," I say. "No more nice guy?"

"No," he says.

"You're so mean," I say.

"Whatever, I don't have to be nice, I'm respectful," he scoffs. "So it's fine."

"I guess so," I say. "Well, respectful enough."

"Yeah, I am respectful," he says.

"What, you want a treat or something?" I ask, laughing a bit.

"Depends, are you offering or just asking?" he asks. "I'm curious."

"I missed you, even though you're an asshole," I say. "And the biggest douchebag."

"If I was the biggest douchebag, I would've kissed you by now," he says. "I mean, you've been beside me for so long, and so close. But I didn't kiss you."

"I guess you're right," I say. "So you can have one."

"One what?" he asks moving closer as if it were even possible.

"Guess," I say.

"I mean, I don't want to assume anything," he says threading his hand in my hair. "That would be douchebag behaviour."

"Just one," I say quickly pressing my lips to his. "There."

"One more?" he asks.

"There," I say after pressing my lips against his quickly. "Happy?"

"Sorry," he says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Nothing, I was just going to kiss you tomorrow when you stopped at that high school," he says. "Same place where we first kissed, and that's what I said to you."

"I was gonna kiss you tomorrow too," I laugh. "I didn't even need to go to the school, I just wanted a kiss."

"Dumbass," he snickers. "Anyway, does this mean we're back together now?"

"I guess so," I say.

"Took you long enough," he rolls his eyes. "I was getting tired of sleeping on your couch."

"Who says you get to sleep in the bed?" I ask sitting up. "Not me."

"Come on Y/n," he says sitting up. "Then you can come over to my place."

"I'm just joking," I say wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. "You can sleep in the bed."

"Woah, are you two getting up to no good?" I hear Bokuto ask, along with the hallway light spilling into the room.

"Kou?" I question, pushing Kei back.

"And Kasumi," Kei says. "What are you doing here? And why was Kasumi out of her bed?"

"Ice cream, you fools," she says holding up a cone. "I called people on mom's phone until someone picked up."

"Kou, you kidnapped her," I say. "You can't do that, what if I looked over and saw that she was missing?"

"But you didn't, so it's fine," he says. "Plus, you were too busy with Tsuki dude. I can take her for the night if you want to get in some exercise."

"No," I say getting off the bed walking towards Kasumi. "I uh, no. I don't need to talk about this with you, goodnight."

"Goodnight," Bokuto laughs closing the door.

"Kasumi, you can't do that," I say. "Okay?"

"Yeah, okay," she says. "I won't do it again."

"As your punishment, you have to let me have some of your ice cream," I say.

"Boo," she says handing over the cone.

"You're just as much of a child as she is," Kei shakes his head, reaching for his glasses. "And I guess we're up for the day."

Brielle wants to know when you guys want a chapter.


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