Filler lol

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Y/n's pov

"Do you know what day it is tomorrow, Kei?" I ask.

We are currently at the ice rink because Kasumi wants us to stay and watch, also because Dai doesn't have a ride home, his dad is a bitch. Well I can only assume that he is, haven't met the guy and I don't plan on it.

"The day this world was cursed," he says.

"I think you mean blessed," I say. "And don't be so grumpy, I'll shove my purse so far up your ass you'll be tasting luxury for weeks."

"What a joy you are," he mutters.

"It's my birthday, in fact, this is the first time we get to spend my birthday together," I say.

"What about..." he pauses.

"Broken up in high school, and then you were pretending that you weren't you," I say. "So this is my first birthday we're spending together."

"Shit," he mutters.

"What's that mean?" I ask.

"All I got you was a ring, I need to get you something else," he says.

"No, you don't," I say. "Stop being a big spender, you buy me too much stuff."

"So?" he shrugs taking my hand. "What wrong with that?"

"Is your love language gift-giving?" I ask.

"No, and love languages are stupid," he shakes his head.

"Actually, I think yours is quality time," I say.

And I already know why he buys me jewelry, he wants other guys to know that I am taken. And how do I know that? Akina told me because she is a boss.

"Whatever," he says.

"What do you think mine is?" I ask.

"Being stupid," he says.

"That's not a love language, give me an answer hoe," I say. "Or I'll tell Kasumi that... I'll tell Kasumi that you called me fat."

"You're not fat, and you better not tell her that because she's gonna give me a whole lecture," he says. "And I know that you're love language is physical touch."

"Lies," I say.

"But, you don't go around holding my hand and hugging me because I don't like PDA all that much," he says.

"Huh?" I gasp. "Who told you that?"

"It's so obvious," he shakes his head. "Dumbass."

He can read minds, I know he can even if he denies it.

"My love language is quality time," I insist. "Just like yours."

"I don't hate PDA," he says. "Just don't give me your stupid huge hugs in public."

Guys, I think my life is complete now, I have basically guys been granted permission to commit unspeakable acts of PDA.

"Are you only saying that I can hold your hand now because there are guys closer to my age here?" I ask.

"It's not because I'm jealous," he says. "I like to show you off."

Now, I should tell you all that now that Kei got no sleep last night, so that is the only reason he doesn't have the energy to be mean to me. Why was he up all night out of the house? He went to his mom's house. Why did he go there? I don't know, probably because I got mad at him...

Um, well I didn't mean to get mad at him. I was on a work call, it was terrible the guy was an asshole and I was getting very pretty mad. Anyway, I muted the call so I could yell at my phone, I said something like "Just shut up and leave me alone, you're pissing me off," it wasn't directed to Kei.

But he was also trying to talk to me so he asked if that was directed at him, now I should have said no because it wasn't. But instead, I said "Obviously."

I felt so bad, it was terrible. He just nodded his head and told me that he'd give me some space. Thank God Kasumi was having a sleepover at Akina's so she didn't hear me act like a bitch. And no I have yet to apologize, yes I feel bad.

"I'm sorry," I say. "What I said to you yesterday wasn't meant for you, I feel bad."

"I know," he says. "I'm sorry too."

"For what?" I ask.

"I shouldn't leave when you get frustrated," he says. "Imagine how bad it would've been if you were actually mad at me."

"Wow, our first couple fight," I say clasping my hands together.

"That's not something you should look so happy about," he says.

"I wonder how many fights well have," I say.

"Don't think about that," he shakes his head.

"Well we're gonna have fights and arguments," I say. "It happens in every relationship."

"Don't call them fights," he says. "Arguments, and were not going to be one of those couples that argue all the time."

"We won't," I say.

"Then don't look forward to it," he says.

I'm not looking forward to any fights, just emotionally preparing for it.

Idk what I'm on, there's like one fight I wrote in for later in the story but I'm not even gonna put it in lol.


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