Oh, I have a new kitten. I named her peaches

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Y/n's pov

I've got the whole squad.

Bokuto, Kuroo, Bunny, Azalea, and Oikawa, my bridesmaids.

"Hey, if you get cold feet you can always marry me."

"Oh shut it."

And of course Atsumu and Sakusa.

"I'm not gonna get cold feet," I say. "I planned this wedding years ago."

"Why is Atsumu here?" Oikawa asks in a whisper.

"They became friends after Y/n gave Tsukipo this sloppy t-," Bokuto starts.

"We are not supposed to talk about that," I say. "And how do you know?"

"We all know," Azalea says. "He cried about it to Dashi a while back, he was drunk... I think."

"I'm gonna barf," I say. "That's vile."

"Offer still stands," Atsumu says. "I'll gladly marry you."

"As if she'll ever be with you," Sakusa scoffs. "She's engaged, you idiot."

"So what are we doing tonight?" Bunny asks. "Of who are we doing?"

"No one," I say. "Were not doing anyone."

"Then what are we doing?" Azalea asks.

"We're going to go and stalk Tsukishima, obviously," Oikawa says. "It'll be fun."

"And all of the people he's hanging out with," Bokuto adds.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" I ask. "Well, I know how, but why?"

"Don't worry, we've already got out muscle working on it," Kuroo says.

"Isn't Bokuto the muscle though?" Atsumu asks.

"Yeah, but I talk too much," Bokuto smiles. "So they've got Hyun and Ushijima doing all that."

"So why are we having them kidnapped?" Sakusa asks. "What's the point?"

"Uh..." Kuroo passes. "Fun?"

"We're gonna throw them off a cliff," Oikawa shrugs. "It'll be fun."

"Great, so we're going to kill my fiancee," I nod my head. "Great, I'm so glad to hear it."

"Hey, can we maybe not kill Dashi?" Azalea asks. "He's taking me to the wedding."

"There's not gonna be a wedding when Small tool Tsuki is dead," Bunny laughs.

"I volunteer as tribute," Atsumu says raising his hand. "I volunteer."

"Not gonna happen," I say. "We aren't gonna kidnap them."

"Why not?" Azalea asks. "It might be cool."

"Besides, Kei will know that it's us kidnapping them," I say. "I bet he's waiting to be ambushed right now."

"Actually..." Bokuto pauses. "What do you think they're doing right now."

"I bet they're all just hanging out at someone's house," Oikawa says. "Or doing something bat shit crazy."

"I bet they're being boring," Kuroo says.

"Oh my god, what if Hyun and Wakatoshi are conspiring against me right now?" I ask. "With Kei. What if they're hanging out with him."

"Of course they aren't," Bunny says.


"Ta-dah," Hyun says. "We're here."

"Oh great, I'm going to be murdered the day before my wedding," Tsukishima says.

"Hey, I would never even conspire to commit murder, you can ask my lawers," Hyun says. "Don't be concerned."

"You brought me to a cliff," he says motioning his hand towards the edge. "In the middle of November."

"Don't worry, we aren't gonna kill you Tsuki," Yamaguchi assures him. "We're just gonna have some fun."

"Yeah, fun," Hinata says.

"And I still don't know why I let you come," Tsukishima says annoyed.

"I told you not to let him come," Kageyama chimes in.

"You too."

"You brought them because you're a loser with no friends," Kyoutani says.

"Yeah, if I don't have any friends then why am I not spending my night alone right now?" Tsukishima asks.

"Did Tsukishima just admit that we're all his friends?" Koganegawa questions. "Or am I deaf."

"He's most definitely excluding me from his implication," Ushijima says.

"Just explain to me why we are at a cliff," Tsukishima sighs.

"Well we're obviously going to jump," Yamaguchi says.

I want to end this book chapter 200, but I still have to write in Tsukishima's dad smh. I should just had him tell Y/n that he was dead early on, that would've solved so much.


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