Prolly gonna have to write a chap in the extras book to explain this

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Y/n's pov

"Guess what day it is?" Bunny asks standing over me.

"How did you get in my house?" I ask.

"We have our ways," Azalea says standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

"I let them in," Wakatoshi says stepping out from behind her.

"How did you get a key?" I ask sitting up.

"I didn't force Christopher to tell me where you keep the spare one," he says.


"I just got a message from Christopher saying that you forced him to tell you where the spare is," I say. "Everyone, out of here, I'm still tired."

"It's your birthday!" Bunny yells. "Get up loser before I peg you!"

"I have a neighbour you know," I say getting out of my bed. "He already thinks I'm insane."

It's October now, not the summertime, but I wish it was still summer, those were the good times. Talking to the neighbour, playing Kasumi, it was fun.

"I will be going now," Wakatoshi says. "I will be seeing you later."

"Uh bye," I say.

"Happy birthday," Azalea says running over to me. "Finally the legal drinking age, we're gonna get you drunk."

"I don't like getting drunk," I say. "Not fun times, I end up saying stupid shit."

"Don't worry, we won't record it," Bunny laughs. "Well we won't tell you, it's gonna be fun, I promise."

"It's gonna be so fun," Azalea says. "We even bought you a cute outfit."

"No thanks," I say. "Let's stay in tonight."

"No no," Bunny says. "You're coming to my bar, and we're having a whole ass party."

"Skintight dress for you low cut too," Azalea says passing me a dress. "Perfect for a party."

"Yeah, getting blackout drunk in a dress like this doesn't seem like a good combination," I say. "And alcohol is gonna make me bloated."

"It's fine," she says. "You have until five pm tonight to mentally prepare for this party."

"Oh how fun," I say.

"Exactly," Azalea says. "Fun is exactly what it's going to be."

Funny you that actually, because I don't think it's gonna be that fun.


Those hookers dragged me out of my apartment at exactly five and drove me to the bar.

"Guys, I know it's a party," I say walking into the bar which had all the lights off. "You don't need to surprise me."

"Told you Bokuto," I hear Kuroo whisper.

"She's still gonna be happy," he says.

"Just hurry up and surprise, and try to refrain from spitting on me," I hear Sakusa mutter.

"Oh boy, I am so sad that no one has come here to surprise me," I say.

"Told you," Bokuto whispers again.

Then every fucking breaks my ears by yelling surprise, rip to me.

"Look Y/n, we did not forget you this year," Wakatohi says.

"Oh my god guys," I say. "I'm so happy that I got all dressed up in skimpy clothes to come here and see all these people that I see as family, so heartwarming."

"Don't worry," Bunny says. "We'll open it to the public later."

"Happy Birthday Y/n my favourite unofficial ex-girlfriend," Oikawa says dramatically. "I came here all the way from Argentina again, just for you."

"I paid for his ticket," Wakatoshi says.

"Good," I say.

"Presents time!" Bokuto exclaims. "She's opening mine first, I got her three jars of pickles and shoes."

"Bokuto, you idiot, you aren't supposed to tell her what you got her," Kuroo says.

I really don't want to spend a lot of time going through my birthday because it was normal, I got present, ate food, forced Wakatoshi to cover everyone's bill, hug out with everyone, slept with a guy, then went back to the party.

Yes, I really don't want to talk about it, and no, I will not be telling anyone what I just did.

"Bunny, give me four shots of the strongest thing you have," I say walking up to the bar.

"Oh Miss I'm not drinking at all wants shots?" she asks, going to grab the liquor. "What got you in the mood?"

"Keep then coming," I say quickly downing one. "I need to cleanse myself."

"Okay, you go," Azalea says, slumping herself against me, she was already plastered.

As I said, I don't want to get into the details of the whole night, and no I'm not just saying that because I can't remember shit.

Okay, so that happened.


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