Yesterday I walked 14 km just to get home

730 44 31

Also, that is literally Tsukishima and Kasumi ^
Y/n's pov

"Why would anyone get fired?" I question.

"Benjirou, you can't just tell everyone about what I do in my spare time," Christopher says.

"There's a sign on the wall that says no one is allowed to seduce anyone in your office," Ai says.

"Oh, that was so Bunny didn't try to fuck my employees," I say. "I don't care that you and Christopher are dating."

I'm glad he's got a girlfriend, better than still liking me.

"And I just don't want people fucking in the office," I say. "Not that I would be getting any action."

"Shut up," Kei says.

Well, then don't be a hoe.

"Anyway, you guys can sleep with whoever you want," I say. "As long as it's not in the office. I mean, as long as I don't see anyone sleeping with another person it's fine."

"So we have permission to have hookups in the office?" Benjiro asks.

"Yes, as long as no one sees or hears," I say. "Then it's fine."

"Stop looking at me," Kei scoffs.

One can only dream.

"Anyway, now that's all sorted I'll be getting back to work," Benjirou says uncovering Kasumi's ears.

"Does big guy have a girlfriend now?" Kasumi asks. "Is that why she's crying? Because she has to spend her life with him?"

"Thanks, Bee," he shakes his head. "You're so nice."

"That was very embarrassing," Ai says wiping her face. "I'll be in the car."

"Good job on getting a girlfriend Christopher," I laugh. "You shoulda told me instead of being sus."

"We aren't technically dating," he says. "Just friends, I guess."

"Just ask her to be your girlfriend," I say. "You'll regret it."

"Yeah maybe," he says. "Anyway, I should get going."

"Have fun on your day off," I laugh waving him off.

Well, that's a fun time.

"Why do you stalk people?" Kei asks.

"Because," I say. "I wanted to know what he was doing."

"Do you send people to stalk me?" Kei asks.

"Should I?" I question. "Do you have something to hide?"

"Obviously not," he scoffs.

"Well then don't worry, I won't have anyone spying on you," I laugh. "Plus, Kasumi will tell me anything."

"Exactly," Kasumi says. "I'll tell her anything and everything."

"That's why I love you," I say pulling her over to sit with me. "My Kasumi, I love you and hate everybody else."

"What about mister?" she asks. "You hate him too?"

"Yup," I say. "I hate him too."

"This is why I don't tie your skates," he says.

"Hoe," I say. "I hate you because you don't tie my skates."

"I've got to head to practice now," he says standing up. "You want to keep Kasumi here or can I take her with me?"

"What? You're leaving me now?" I ask. "Why you haven't spent any time with me, can't you stay longer? I missed you."

"Thought you hated me?" he asks.

"Are you jealous of Kasumi?" I ask.

"I am not jealous of a child," he rolls his eyes. "I'm your boyfriend."

"You want to come and sit with us?" I ask.

"Yeah mister, you mad because I get more hugs than you?" Kasumi asks.

"You don't," he says sitting beside me.

"Just relax, even though you're a three I still love you," I laugh swinging my legs over his lap. "I'm out of your league anyway."

"Care to comment on that bold statement?" Kasumi asks. "Do you think she's out of your league?"

"Not when I first dated her she wasn't," Kei scoffs.

"So you're agreeing that I am now out of your league?" I ask.

I'm winning.

"Yeah, you are," he says. "There are probably more people who want to get with you than with me."

"It's okay, you can just say I'm pretty," I say. "No need to beat around the bush."

"You're ugly," he says.

"That's not what you said earlier when I asked you why your home screen is mom," Kasumi says.

"You said that you'd never put me as your home screen," I say. "Except for the lock screen."

His lock screen is a picture of me him and Kasumi, like a boss.

"He always talks about you," Kasumi says. "The other day when we went to go and buy the magazine with you on it, he said 'god she's gorgeous."

"I did not," he says.

"This is the magazine," she says grabbing one off the table. "He loves you, he talks about you all the time to his friends."

"Be quiet Kasumi, I don't," he says.

"Someone on his team asked why he brings a picture of you to practice matches and he said it was because you're hot," she says.

"I'm never buying you Mcdonalds again," he says. "Ever."

"I know you will," she says. "Don't try to hide the fact that you like my mom."

"Kei just loves me," I laugh. "I'm his favourite person."

"I hate you," he says.

"I know the answer to this one," Kasumi says. "You hate her because you're stupidly in love with her, right?"

"You are a menace and you can sleep on the balcony," Kei says.

Guys, they're so happy.


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