Stay tuned for the end of the chapter for pictures of how I see Kasumi

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Also, my foot rn^
Y/n's pov

What a shit show today was. After that whole ordeal, I got Christopher to take us back to my apartment, where I plugged Kasumi into a tv show while I wallow in self-pity. I fed her, bathed her, all that jazz, then put her to bed. Well, she was supposed to be sleeping.

"Are you angry?" she asks pocking her head out of the bedroom.

"No, I'm not angry," I say. "Don't worry."

"Phew," she says running over to me. "I thought you were mad at me."

"Never," I smile. "So no need to worry."

"Anyway, this is for you," she says draping that god forbidden jacket over me. "Ta-dah, now you can have some of the moon with you at night times."

"Yeah, thanks," I say. "You should get to sleep now."

"I know," she says walking back to the room. "Goodnight."

"Night," I say getting up off the ground.

Now, what does one do when they feel like they are about to cry? They leave their apartment and sit against their door like one of those sad k-dramas. Although, most tend not to have a neighbour interrupt them with yet another note being shoved aggressively under the door.

'You know that it's illegal to leave a child alone like that right'

"I'm not leaving her alone," I say shoving the note back to him. "It's like being in a different room."

'Y'know she talks a lot for a kid, to herself too'

"Why are you listening to her? Kinda weird if you ask me," I say moving to sit across from his door.

'I already told you that the wall there is thin, stupid'

"So can the whole apartment hear me then?" I ask.

'No, unfortunately, I'm the only one who has to suffer

"You should feel lucky," I say. "And why only you?"

'Before I moved in our units were one big one, and they half-assed the wall. It was like a penthouse type thing'

"That's probably why my kitchen is kinda ass," I say. "So is your like, two stories?"

'Yeah, bedrooms upstairs'

"So you've got the big kitchen?" I ask.


"Then you can cook me," I laugh, jokingly.


"Really?" I ask. "You'll feed me?"

'Yeah, I don't care. The half-ass kitchen you have is most definitely a fire hazard'

Food, secured.

'You look like your boyfriend dumped you'

"I've never been dumped before, I'll have you know," I say. "I've only ever broken up with people."

'That's why you're huddled up wearing a men's jacket'

"This was a gift from my Kasumi," I say taking it off. "I'm single, asshat."

'Yeah, I can tell'

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question. "I look single?"

'You just do'

"You look single," I say. "I bet you've never gotten laid in your life."

'There's no way you've slept with more than two people'

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