Thank you sugas_personal_toy for telling me I put this in the wrong book

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Y/n's pov

I love working with Christopher, it's just hanging around with a friend all day. Talking about useless stuff but somehow I still manage to get my work done girl boss behaviour. But today is different, oh very different indeed.

Christopher was late.

Well, he wasn't technically late, he was on time, but he's usually early every day, so this was late for him. This is joyous, and I need to know what's up with him. But all morning he hasn't said a word, and it's almost lunch so I just gotta know by then.

"Why weren't you early this morning, Christopher?" I ask, for what could only be the thousandth time. "What were you doing?"

"I was making breakfast, I did the dishes before I left," he says. "It's not like I was late, Bird, I told you this."

"Please tell me, Christopher, I need to know," I say. "I need some office tea or tea in general. Please, I just need to know."

"There's no tea to spill," he laughs. "I'll be early tomorrow, don't worry so much."

"I need to know every aspect of your life," I say. "Personal boundaries are not something we do here, you know that."

"Yes, of course, I know that," he says. "But I've got nothing to hide, I tell you pretty much everything."

"You, my friend are lying to me," I say. "I know it, I'm a bad liar, and so are you."

"I'm not lying, so maybe you're just bad at telling when someone is lying," he says. "Or just paranoid, or tired. Did you get enough sleep last night?"

"Yes, I get lots of sleep every night," I say.

Yeah, only because Kei likes to lay with me all innocently like a hoe.

"Well then maybe you haven't been eating enough," he says.

"I eat enough because Kei makes me breakfast every morning," I say. "Because all good boyfriends make their girlfriend breakfast in the morning even if that means they don't get to work early."

"I make breakfast for myself because I wouldn't be happy eating a jar of pickles for breast, unlike a certain Bird I know," he laughs. "You're looking too deep into this, I'll be sure to be here bright and early tomorrow."

"Fine," I sigh. "It's almost lunchtime, I'll be back."

"I've got some errands to run," he says getting up from his desk. "I'll be back after lunch."

"Okay," I say waving him off. "You can go and run your little errands all day, Kei's gonna stay here and harass me."

"Alright then," he laughs. "I'll see you tomorrow."

People here think I'm dumb, but I'm not, I have a degree for Christ's sake. So of course I headed straight to the front desk on my floor.

"Hi Ai," I say stopping in front of the desk.

Ah, Ai, she used to work on the second floor but she's really good at her job so I promoted her to work on the top floor. She's still nervous about messing up, but she's great.

"Uh, hi Ms. Ushijima," she says. "What can I help you with?"

"Y/n is fine," I say leaning against the desk. "And you can take the rest of the day off."

"Am I getting fired?" she asks.

Bro what?

"No no, of course not," I say. "No need to worry. The office is just going slow today, so you can head home. I can manage the phone calls."

"Oh, okay," she nods her head. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

I am so smart.

"Bye-bye Ai, have a good rest of your day," I say watching her as she gets into the elevator. Not saying a word until the doors close. "Benjiro."

"Yeah," he says running over to me.

I swear he can hear me say anything from a mile away. He's also a bodyguard here, buffer than Christopher and taller than Kei. I met him at the gym, and if it weren't for the botty shorts and Britney spears music spilling from his headphones I would've been terrified.

"I need you to follow Ai, then report back to me," I say. "Take some photos or videos if you can."

"Of course," he says. "Want me to grab a bag of those free chocolates from the front desk too?"


This is a good thing.


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