My hw still isn't done and I'm going to cry about it until I finish it

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Also, I have been awake for 26 hours straight and I'm debating whether I should just drink a monster or sleep

Y/n's pov

"Chris, long time no see," a guy says getting up from the couch. "I coulda had a whole ass family."

You know when your mom takes you over to meet your cousins but like your cousins cousins? And you're like kinda hiding behind her, but she feels right at home, not knocking on the door and going right into socialize? Well if that made any sense at all, that's me right now.

"It's been three days," he laughed greeting him. "And what? Is your pussy ass gonna get pregnant?"

"Hey hey, not everyone sees jumping off a cliff like a suicidal maniac as fun," he shoves his arm. "Surprised that you're still alive."

I take it, these two are good friends.

"Don't try to make excuses for your lack of balls," Christopher laughs.

Can y'all see me, or am I too short for you trees?

"This must be your friend right?" the guy asks looking over to me.

"Oh yeah, this is Y/n," he steps to the side, well there goes my shield. "This is my friend Mateo, I've known him for years, childhood friends."

"Oh did you grow up here? In California?" I ask.

"Nah, we're from Jersey, Philadelphia more specifically," Mateo says hooking his arms around Christopher's shoulders. "Isn't that right Chrissy sissy?"

I bet they spent most of their days at the playground, get it? Okay, I'll stop.

"Don't call me that," he says shrugging his arm off.

"Chrissy sissy?" I laugh. "How'd you get that one?"

"This guy right here had a major growth spurt when he was like twelve, right before we started middle school," Mateo says pointing his finger right in Christopher's face. "I swear this guy grew a whole damm foot. And lemme tell you, that's not the only footlong-"

"That's enough Mateo," he says shoving his face. "Unless you want me to strangle you."

"There's only one thing I wanna choke on tonight-" he's cut off again by Christopher covering his mouth.

"I'm really sorry about him," he says. "Just ignore everything that comes out of his mouth."

"Chirs, you're really just making the perfect sentences for me to twist," his voice was muffled by his hand, but I could hear him fine.

And Mateo, I do believe that we have the same interesting joke in our heads, but I'd rather not give people a reason to want to hate crime me tonight.

"You're gonna scare her away," Christopher says letting go of Mateo. "Cool it."

"Hey now Chris," Mateo says followed by something in Spanish, I'm sorry Mr. Duolingo, but my lessons have failed me.

Gym... time... purple... special... and chicken?

Throughout their whole conversation, those were the only words I was able to pick up on... well, I think.

"Christopher," I say. "Not to be that bitch, but can we talk in English, or something that I understand?"

"That's my fault," Mateo laughs. "Chicken."

The first half was in English, so I got that... But what's with the chicken part? Oh and I forgot to mention how chiefs kiss it was to hear Christopher speaks Spanish like please can you just... I love god.

"Did you just call me a chicken?" I ask. "Christopher, what's that word mean?"

"It's not chicken," he laughs. "I wouldn't let anyone call you a chicken, and he won't be calling you that again."

"Oh, Chris," Mateo says. "Oh Chris, oh Chris, I'd sleep with you, in a bro's kinda way."

Ah, so this guy is like Bunny... Hide ya dicks y'all.

"I'm not sleeping with you," he says. "I don't want to catch anything."

"I'll have you know, the only thing I have is a... well I'm sure you would know all about it, wouldn't you Chrissy?" he asked, laughing.

"I will actually hurt you," Christopher says. "I'm not joking."

"Calm down Mr. tough guy," Mateo says holding his hands up as if he were surrendering. "We've kept at the lovely guest waiting outside around the fire like a bunch of sketchy drug dealers."

"Fine, let's go," Chritoehr says grabbing my hand. "Come on Bird, I promise the rest of them aren't clinically insane."

"Uh-huh," I nod my head.

"I'll have you know, my mother had me tested," Mateo says. "And if I were to kill someone I would be deemed mentally fit to stand trial."

I sure do wonder what they were talking about in Spanish. Oh, and the alternate ending will be a storyline where Y/n gets with Christopher.


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