I hate those Luca kids

561 35 27

Y/n's pov

It's bedtime now, Kasumi and Dai are sleeping in another room, the volleyball hoes are in other rooms, it's all good. Well actually, it was bedtime hours ago, I slept but I don't think Kei has, he's still tossing and turning like he was when we first went to bed. Currently, he's sitting on the edge of the bed hunched over.

Now, I could just fall back asleep and act like I never woke up, or I can be a nice girlfriend. And because I nearly gave him a heart attack earlier, I'll be nice.

"Kei, what's wrong?" I ask crawling over to him. "Did you even sleep?"

"Sorry for waking you up," he says. "You can go back to bed."

"Are you irritated because of earlier?" I ask. "Because I can assure you that they saw nothing, it's all fine. So you don't need to worry."

"I know that they say nothing," he says. "It's not that."

"Come on then," I say. "I wanna know what it is."

"It's nothing important," he says. "Trust me."

"I don't trust you, so tell me," I say. "Please."

"My thoughts are just... clouded or something," he says laying back. "Don't worry."

Literally, the only time I can get information out of him is when he's tired and stuff, only because he has no energy to put up with me.

"Clouded with what?" I ask. "Me? Am I just too perfect for you?"

"Actually yeah, it is you," he says. "Stupid enough."

"Really?" I ask. "Tell me all about me, I must know now."

"It's really dumb," he shakes his head. "Let's just go to sleep."

"Tell me Kei," I say. "I tell what I'm thinking all the time, so stop being a gerbil and tell me."

"I just find it funny that after all this time, we're together," he says. "Y'know?"

"What?" I ask. "I'm kinda dumb, please explain."

"I mean like, we were apart for years and I know that there were and still are guys that like you yet we're both right here," he says. "Like after all this time, I am the one who's with you."

"If this is your way of trying to tell me that you don't think you don't think you're good enough?" I ask.

"I am not saying that," he scoffs moving to go under the blanket. "Comere."

"You know that I love you," I laugh. "So there's no need to let you mind cloud and all that."

"I know that," he says. "It's just that I'm rude to you and stuff."

"If taking me out on dates and spending all your time with me is rude then you must be the vilest human being out there," I say. "And I'll have you know, the only time I'd ever seen you as being genuinely mean was when we weren't together and you did stupid shit."

"God, this is stupid," he says.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna break up with you," I say. "And don't break up with me, we are responsible adults. We've got Kasumi, and a place where we live together."

"I know that," he says. "And maybe I am just a little irritated that they could've seen you half-naked."

"But they didn't," I say. "So it's all good."


"Whos calling you at..." he pauses to check his own phone. "Three o'clock in the morning?"

"I don't know," I say. "It's an unknown number, should I answer it?"

"Sure," he says. "Might be someone you know, since time zones and stuff, might be a regular time for them."

"Guess you're right," I nod my head before answering it. "Hello?"

"Uh, is this Ushijima Y/n?" he asks.

"Yeah, that's me," I say. "Who's this?"

"Uh, this is Hyun."

Bruh ion even know what I'm doing.


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