Go and read my new Tsuki fic...

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... It's not going to be really sad, I mean, of course, it's gonna have some sad parts but not break up parts. Does that make sense? Anyway, I think it's gonna be good. Also, this is like the only pic I have in my files at the moment.
Y/n's pov

This is by far one of the worst times of the week for me, it's the day I have to give back Kasumi. I mean, I do see her all the time, but I just wish I could have her with me all the time. She was with me for a week, so I don't know why I'm getting so depressed about dropping her off.

"Y/n why do you always have to leave me here all the time," Kasumi asks, plopping down onto the floor. "I hate this woman, it's no fun here with her."

I hate her too.

"Kasumi, you can't always speak your mind, when you're here you have to follow the rules," I say. "Okay?"

"You need to stay here with me all the time," she says. "Tell big guy to pick me up, or tell Mr. "Neighbour guy to pick me up."

Big guy = Christopher.

"Kasumi, I can't," I say. "It's not like I'll never see you again, I come back every night to tuck you in, so it's not forever."

Before anyone wants to stab me, I do infarct harass the old hag every time I see her. In fact, I plan on harassing her again today.

"Now go play with your friends, I need to go and talk-." I start.

"The old hag," she says.

"Kasumi, you need to start learning how to be respectful," The old hag says. "No one wants a child who is so disobedient."

"Don't be so harsh on her," I say. "She's a toddler, not an adult. So we should go and talk in your office now."

"Kasumi, go and run off with your friends," she says.


"So, Kasumi has been coming over to my place for a while now... And she likes me, I like her, I can clearly handle her..." I trail off. "I like having her around, I really love her, she's cute, and... And I want to have her more permanently... please."

"Kasumi needs a stable home," she says flipping through some papers.

"I am a stable home, a have the money, the space, and the time to look after her," I say. "It's fine."

"You have a full-time job, and toddlers need lots of attention," she says.

"I can get her into daycare, plus a lot of my work doesn't need me to be at the office so it's not like she'll be missing me all the time," I say. "I can take care of her."

"As I said before, she needs a stable home," she shakes her head, not really paying much attention to me. "You are not that."

"I am," I say. "Plus, she'll be in school soon, it won't even be like I'm leaving her anywhere. Please, please, just let me adopt her."

"No, she needs a stable family," she repeats herself.

"What part of me is not stable?" I question. "I've managed her perfectly fine."

"Your mental health history," she says. "I'm not letting you of all people take care of a child, you act like one yourself."

You've got to be kidding me.

"Just because someone has mental health issues, does not make them unsuitable to be a good parent," I say. "I always make sure she's taken care of, never is she ever unsafe when she's with me."

"She needs a father figure," she says.

"The closest thing I got to a father figure was my brother, she doesn't need a dad," I say. "And I have guy friends and my brothers. She will have the male support that you think she needs."

"Do you plan on getting married anytime soon?" she asks. "Or getting in a relationship."

"Well no... But really that doesn't matter," I say. "It's none of your business anyway, I can take care of her."

"You need a referral from me if you want to adopt any of the children I take care of," she says. "I am already making enough exceptions letting you take her out as much as you do, now goodnight Miss. Ushijima."

"Yeah goodnight," I mutter getting up to leave.

I guess I can see it, how am I supposed to take care of a child when I can't even take care of myself?

I literally just want Y/n and Tsukishima to get back together, but I need to write progress and more interactions, shit like that. Also, don't question any rules I make in the story, it's for the plot.


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