A Day In The Life Of a Detective

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Shuichis pov

I looked at my locket with a smile. Inside it has a picture of my two husbands kaito and kokichi.

It's been six years since kaito confessed his feelings to us and we've now been married for two years. It's had its rough patches but we love each other and we're getting by just fine.

Kaitos been suffering from survivors guilt after killing maki and kokichi suffers from dissociative identity disorder which leaves me being the emotional support for both of them.

Recently the two of them have been fighting alot and I leaves me worried. What if kaito losing his temper and really hurt kokichi? What if kokichi says something he can't take back? Damnit maybe I shouldn't have left them alone-

"shuichi please pay attention!" my mentor kyoko said firmly.

"sorry" I muttered putting my locket away.

"your thinking about them again aren't you" trust kyoko to know what I'm thinking!

I sighed "they've just been fighting alot. It worries me"

She placed a hand on my shoulder "married people fight shuichi. I know me and mokoto have had our fair share of arguments. Their grown-ups and they will sort their differences out"

"thanks kyoko" I smiled gratefully at her.

"anytime partner" she smiled back "now let's get back to work"

"ah right!"

She's right. Kokichi and kaito can sort out their own problems. I don't have to worry about them.

I don't have to worry at all.

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