The Farm

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Kokichis pov

I woke up to the sound of chickens clucking. I looked out the window to see the sun shining down on the fleids of weat. Man the countryside is a beautiful place!

I went downstairs to see kaitos grandma cooking breakfast. She turned to me with a smile.

"good morning dear. I hope your up for some breakfast. I know the pregnancy can sometimes make you a little queasy in the mornings"

"yeah it does but I think I can stomach this" I said taking a seat.

"Wonderful honey" she said placing a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me and sitting opposite me.

We ate in silence.

"hey grandma where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Well kaito and shuichi are off to work and sayori and granda are out tending to the farm" she replied.

"wow I really slept in huh?" I said feeling embarrassed.

"yeah but don't worry love. You need your rest to help your son grow" she said kindly "say have you picked a name for him yet?"

"Well me, kaito and shuichi have been talking about it and we've decided on the name kiba" I said rubbing my stomach.

"oh that's a lovely name dear" she said hugging me close.

"thank you" I smiled at her "I think I'll go check on sayori now"

"ok love just be careful"

I walked outside to see gramps milking a cow and sayori carrying a basket in her arms. When she saw me she ran up to me with a smile.

"mommy look I'm collecting eggs for grandpa" she said proudly showing me the eggs in her basket.

"wow good girl" I said petting her head.

She placed her small hands on my stomach "good morning kiba" she said brightly.

"ahh I see you've already picked a name for the lad" gramps looked up with a grin.

"yeah kaito came up with it" I giggled.

"seems like a name he'd come up with" he chuckled "now why don't you give those eggs to grandma so she can make us some tasty lunch"

"ok" she nodded taking my hand and walking back to the house. Yep life's pretty good right now.

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