Telling My Parents About Rai

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Kibas pov

I walked into the kitchen. Sitting there were my parents, my sister and my brother in law token. Yeah turned out they got married. Damn I missed alot!

Mom caught sight of me in the doorway "hi sweetie. Is there something you need?" he asked.

I shook my head "guys I have something I need to tell you about"

"what's that kiddo?" dad asked.

I took a deep breath "I have a voice in my head that sometimes takes over my body. His names Rai"

"Rai? Like the imaginary friend you had as a kid?" dad asked.

"yeah but he's not imaginary he's real! During the killing game he helped me save everyone. I was never good at solving mysteries like the rest of you minus dad" dad looked offended "but Rai was able to solve them no problem! He saved us all and I'm happy he's a part of me" I looked at them nervously. What are they going to say?

Mom walked up and hugged me "honey I'm very proud of you for telling me this. You've been very brave"

"thanks mom" I said hugging him back.

They all began looking around nervously. Is there something they want to say?

Token sighed and stood up "alright kid let's go outside of a bit. Have a little brotherly time" he took my hand and basically dragged me out the door.

I guess it couldn't hurt to get to know my brother in law.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now