Trip To The Park

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Kaitos pov

"come on guys try and keep up" our daughter sayori yelled as she ran on.

It's been two weeks since my return and me, shuichi, kokichi and sayori have been living together as a family.

"sayori don't run ahead. Your mommy and daddy can't keep up" shuichi said worriedly.

"mmm sorry mommy" sayori said running back into shuichis arms.

Right now we were having a picnic together. Sayori was feeding the koi fish with kokichi while me and shuichi set up the picnic.

"ok sayori, kokichi the picnics ready" I called to her.

"coming daddy" sayori said running up to us.

"wow this is looking good guys" kokichi grinned.

"Well we did our best" shuichi smiled sweetly "now let's dig in"

We spent most of the day at the park eating a star themed picnic. Once we were finished we packed up and walked home under the moonlight.

"this is pretty romantic huh kai-chan?" kokichi said hugging my arm.

"definitely my Shooting Star" I took him by the  shoulders and kissed him.

"hey what about me" shuichi pouted.

"oh sorry sidekick" I let go of kokichi and kissed him.

"hehe that's better" shuichi said wrapping his arms around my neck.

"come on lovebirds we need to get our daughter home for her first day at school" kokichi scolded us with a fond smile on his face.

"right let's get going sidekick!" I said determinedly.

We all held hands and we walked home together as a happy family.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now