The Many Lies Of Kokichi

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Kokichis pov

I lay in bed crying for a bit. I just wanted to be left alone but when you suffer from D.I.Ds your never truly alone.

"hey kokichi" pregame said gently "I can tell your upset. Do you want to talk about it?"

"you already know what's upsetting me so we don't need to talk about it" I said rubbing my tears away angrily.

"yes I understand that" he sighed "maybe if you talked to our lovers about it-"

"no!" I said firmly "there's no way I'm telling shuichi and kaito about this!"

"don't you think you've hid enough from them" pregame said sternly "you've hid your pain, your sadness, even your identity" I went red when he said that. It's true I still haven't told them that I'm actually trans. The only person who knows is toko and komaru. I'm too scared of them leaving me if they found out "are you really going to hide this too?"

"your right" I sighed "I'll tell them about it"

"good boy. I'm so proud of you"

"yeah yeah" I smiled to myself.

"kokichi are you talking to yourself again" I heard kaito voice from the hallway.

"I'm not talking to myself I'm talking to pregame" I said feeling a little annoyed by the way he phased it.

"isn't that kinda the same as talking to yourself?" kaito asked as he walked into our bedroom.

I pouted at him.

"ok ok no need to get mad" he said putting his hands up in defence "hey" he gently touched my face "your eyes are red baby. Are you crying?"

"I'm fine" I said gently pushing his hand away "I'll tell you everything once shuichi gets home"

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