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Kokichis pov

We were sitting in the kitchen eating dinner when kaito got a call.

He picked up the phone "hello" he listened for a bit, his face slowly turning pale "I see. I'll be down as soon as I can" he hung up.

"is everything alright honey?" shuichi asked worriedly.

"my grandparents neighbours were just on the phone, they said they just collapsed" he muttered looking as pale as a ghost.

"oh kaito I'm so sorry" shuichi hugged him tightly.

"it's fine honey" he smiled encouragingly at us "I have to go see them in the hospital. Can you guys take care of the kids while I'm gone?"

"of course we can!" I nodded firmly "you go up and see your grandparents and tell them we said hi"

"will do" he said giving us both a kiss on the cheek and leaving.

We put the kids to bed and waited for kaito. After what felt like forever kaito came through the door. His legs began shaking and he collapsed to his knees sobbing.

"it's not fair. It's not fair!" he screamed.

"kaito what's wrong?" I gasped. I haven't seen him cry like this since maki died.

"it's my grandparents *hic* they have terminal cancer *hic* I'm going to lose them!"

We said nothing. We simply held him while he broke down in our arms.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now