Drowned Victim

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Sayoris pov

I was sitting with token watching akamaru train with peako. We've been doing the buddy system for four days now and everything seems to be working out. Akamaru been training with peako for quite some time. I think he said something about wanting to get stronger. Everything felt peaceful until-

"a body has been discovered! So get your butt's to the pool!"

We all froze. Someone still ended up killing? How? Why? It doesn't matter we have to get to the pool.

We ran to the pool as fast as our legs could carry us and what was waiting for us there was the body of hidori.

"Well it seems like another killing took place" naoko said quick to action as always "we should begin investigating"

"we don't need to investigate" marco said suddenly "it was obviously konnie!"

"what makes you say that?" akamaru asked.

"konnie was partnered up with her so she's the only person who could have killed her!" marco insisted.

As if on cue konnie burst out of the locker.

"so you finally decided to show yourself murderer!" marco yelled.

"what! murderer?" she turned around, saw hidoris body and gasped "Well would you look at that it's a dead body!"

"don't act surprised you totally killed her!" token yelled. The others murmured in agreement. Konnie didn't look fased at all. There's really something not right with that girl. Thankfully naoko came to her rescue.

"it's too soon to decide that konnies the killer! The clues shall reveal the culprit not speculation" the others reluctantly agreed.

Ok then time to start the investigation!

I walked up to naoko who was already inspecting the body.

"did you find a cause of death?" I asked.

"yeah judging by the red mark at the back of her neck she was held down in the pool water and drowned." she said grimly.

"that's awful" I muttered. Even if she was unpleasant there's no excuse for killing someone like that!


"yeah" naoko sighed "here I also found this note in her pocket"

I read the note. It said
Please come meet me at the pool at five. I may have found a way out.

So she was lured there.


I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see talya "hey I noticed polo was acting strange. I think you should talk to him he may know something" I nodded and walked over to polo.

He jumped as soon as I tapped his shoulder "what the hell do you want!" he yelled. Odd polo's not the type to just yell at someone like that.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Your acting a little strange"

"Well no shit! Who wouldn't act weird around a dead body" he yelled.

"polo you never acted this way around the other two bodies" I said firmly.

"I-I just leave me alone! I don't have to answer to you!" he yelled before storming off. Ok he's definitely acting strange!


"hey sayori come check this out" konnie called me over.

"what is it?" I asked.

"I found this in the trash can" he held up a cloth that smelt like chemicals "its definitely chloroform. Don't you agree?

"yeah I do"I muttered.

Still I wonder what a cloth filled with chloroform is doing here?


Suddenly the monitor switched on "alright kiddos times up! Get your butt's to the trial room"

I sighed. There's still so much I don't understand about this case. I better have everything figured out by the time we have to pick someone!

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now