All Alone

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Polo's pov

I curled up into the corner and cried. I lost naoko and now peakos been taken away too. I'm all alone. I can't do anything on my own! Maybe I should just let them kill me-

Suddenly marcos words came back to me "survive polo survive no matter what!"

He's right. I've gone through too much just to die here! I stood up and wiped my tears away. I was about to leave when suddenly I heard someone screaming.

"help me!" I looked over to see a ten year old boy with light brown hair and pink eyes running away from a muscler man. I have to help him!

I grabbed a brick and threw it at his chest. He fell back and hit his head on the ground, knocking him unconscious.

"thanks for the save mister" he grinned "my names anzu nevermind. I'm so grateful for the rescue" he bowed.

"nevermind?" I gasped "you wouldn't happen to be related to a ami nevermind would you?"

"yes that's my big brother. Is he with you?" anzu looked around expectingly.

I sighed. This wasn't going to be easy to say "I'm sorry anzu but your brother died protecting his families secret"

"oh" his eyes filled up with tears "Big brother always cared so much about our family. I was hoping that he would somehow survive but I guess that was just wishful thinking"

I pulled him into a hug "I'm so sorry anzu. I lost my brother too in the killing game so I understand how you feel. I promise it does get better you just have to keep your head up"

He nodded and wiped his tears away "do you think you can help me rescue my parents?"

"your parents?" I asked.

"yeah my parents and all the other families of the killing game partisapints were locked up. I managed to escape and that's why that big guy was chasing me" anzu explained.

The families of the killing game partisapints? That means my parents would be locked up too! I have to save them!

I placed a hand on his shoulder "anzu we'll definitely get everyone out of there but first we need to get backup"

"right" anzu nodded.

I smiled at the brave young boy "ok then let's go find our backup!"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now