All In My Head

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Kibas pov

I dragged my feet to my doom room. I pixied Version of me was stuck on the door so I knew which one was mine.

I took a few steps inside and fell to my knees. Damnit. I want to help everyone. I don't want anyone to die here. Problem is I have no idea how to help everyone. I've never been smart like sayori. I have no idea how to-

My eyes widened. The walkie talkie sayori gave me! I'll just contact her now-

I reached into my pocket and found nothing. It's not there! I had it with me when I went into hopes peak so where is it!

"you always have been a bit dense haven't you?"

My head shot up at the sudden voice. It sounded like it was right beside my ear but when I looked around there was no one there.

"who's there!" I demanded.

"who do you think idiot" the voice sneered.

"hey!" I yelled as I got up to look for him. I'm going to give that guy a piece of my mi-

I stopped once I came across a mirror. The reflection looking back looked like me but he had glasses on and looked alot more serious.

"who are you?" I muttered.

"you really forgot me? And after we were such close friends in childhood"

"Rai!" I gasped. I do remember having a friend named Rai when I was a kid but I always thought I just made him up.

"wonderful you remember me" he smirked "now let's begin descussing more serious matters like how we're going to win this killing game"

My eyes widened "what do you mean win?"

"Well I don't want to die and I'm sure you don't either" he muttered "so let's discuss how we're going to get away with murdering one of these ultimates"

My stomach dropped. He can't be serious! "I can't kill them. There my friends!"

"there not your friends kiba you just met them. For once in your life could you not act like a sentimental fool!"

I started shaking. I didn't want to kill anyone. Why is Rai telling me to do something so scary?

He sighed "no I understand. This is alot for you to take in. Get some sleep kiba. We'll talk more in the morning" his reflection faded into mine.

I did what he told me and went to bed. I don't think I'll get alot of sleep tonight.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now