Movie Night

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Shuichis pov

"alright movie night!" kaito grinned happily.

It was Saturday which was basically a day off for all of us (especially kokichi since he no longer had a job). To celebrate our time together we'd have a movie night every Saturday.

"I wouldn't be smiling if I were you kai-chan" kokichi said mischievously "after all the movie I picked was... the conjuring!"

"no not a ghost movie!" kaito yelped.

"we're going to need alot of popcorn to get through this one" I muttered heading back to the kitchen.

*halfway through the movie*

"ahhhhh! Did you feel that? The ghost are coming for me shuichi!"

"kaito that's not a ghost that's just kokichi"

"it's not my fault I'm possessed by a vengeful spirit. Now gimme your souls!"


I rolled my eyes at my husbands antics. I swear if I didn't love them I wouldn't put up with half this crap!

"shuichi! I don't want the ghost to take my soul!"

"then swear your alliance to the phantom troop!"

"no that sounds scary!"

I sighed. Will this madness ever end!?

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