Visited By An Old Friend

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Kokichis pov

I lay on the sofa rubbing my stomach uncomfortably. Man being this far into the pregnancy sucks! I feel so heavy and bloated. I really hope this kid comes out soon. I don't care how painful it is!

Suddenly I heard a  knock on the door. Is it kaito or shuichi? No that's not right they have keys to open the door unless kaito forgot his keys again!

Suki started hissing at the door. Since animals are usually right about these things I backed up nervously. Turns out the person behind the door got tired of waiting and kicked down the door revealing...

"Tsmugi" I said in disbelief.

"kokichi I heard all about the baby congratulations" I smiled sweetly at me but I knew that smile was a lie.

"what are you doing here" I yelled angrily "your supposed to be locked up for the murder of our classmates!"

"I didn't murder my classmates. I simply made them kill each other" she giggled.

"same thing bitch!"

"my my seems your mood swings are getting to you" Tsmugi sighed "well anyway I'll need you to come with me"

"over my dead body!" I yelled backing up "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"oh dear I think you misunderstood" she grabbed me and forced a cloth over my nose and mouth "you don't have a choice"

I felt my consciousness fade as Tsmugi giggled delightedly. What's going to happen to me?

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now