Being Informed

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Shuichis pov

I raced down to my house as fast as I could. I had to stop to pick up kaito. We're both worried as hell for our husband, daughter and unborn son. Please let them be ok!

We arrived home to find kokichi and sayori in the garden playing paddycake. We ran up and ingulfed them in a hug. Kokichi immediately burst into tears. I couldn't blame him for being scared. What Tsmugi put him through last time was awful.

"shhh it's ok sweetheart we're here now" I said gently rubbing circles into his back.

Kaito inspected the door "well there was definitely a break in but what makes you think it was Tsmugi?"

Kokichi shakingly handed me a sticky note.

I'm still alive ;-)

"kaito come with me a second" kaito nodded and the two of us talked in private.

"I don't know shuichi it looks like it's just some kind of prank" kaito scratched his head.

"yeah but do you really want to take that risk with a pregnant husband and five year old daughter in the house?" I asked.

"absolutely not" kaito said firmly.

"ok so where do we go?" I asked nervously.

"we could always stay at my grandparents house" kaito suggested "I'm sure they'd love to have sayori down"

"that's a great idea kaito!" I said hugging him "let's give them the good news"

We walked up to sayori and a nervous looking kokichi.

"pack your things my darlings" kaito grinned "we're staying at grandma and grampas farm!"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now